Chapter 2: Free Spirit

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A young woman was laying flat on her bed as men walked in and out of her bedroom carrying random equipment and installing camera's. Her frown was showing heavily creasing her forehead easily seen with her hair pulled up as she stared at the ceiling trying to avoid looking at the people in her room.

"I don't understand why Harrison hired someone to protect me," she practically whined with annoyance as she watched the security team set up their equipment in her room. "I'm not a child and this is an invasion of my privacy."

"He's just being cautious Zoey," A larger man said trying to reassure her as he finished setting up a computer at the side of the room. "Your mother is worried about you too."

"Who's supposed to be watching me, Darren?" She said incredulously as she fell onto her bed. "Also, why the hell don't I get any say in it? Everyone's always after my father, no one cares about me. There's no reason either of them should be worried about me."

"Mr. Pike has his reasons to be concerned," Darren said with a reassuring smile. "But you have no reason to be concerned, we'll keep you safe."

"And in the meantime, I lose what little privacy I had left in this house." She said angrily. "Who's going to be watching me?"

"A guy I grew up with, he moved a while back." He began before she became even angrier sitting up on her bed.

"A guy?" She almost yelled as she stood up from the bed and crossed the room toward Darren. "My mother is having some random guy stay here? She already doesn't like you being around so much."

"That hurts a little Zoey, and he isn't staying here," Darren said taking a step back from her. "The extra items are for when he's around, but if you ever need space all you have to do is say the word. He'll be working directly for you and no one else."

"I need space." She said through her grit teeth as she turned around and fell face first on the bed.

"Alright, everybody out," Darren called lifting his arms and the three men stopped what they were doing and walked toward the door. Darren made his way there as well and before he stepped out, he called back, "His name is Mason Arden, you can look him up."

Darren closed the door behind him as Zoey continued to lay in her bed for a while longer before she finally decided to look up Mason Arden, as Darren suggested. Dozens of articles showed up from throughout his MMA career from a confident upstart to a reigning champion. All the recent articles were referencing an exhibition tour throughout Obin and then the most recent were all about his personal life which she left to the end.

Zoey read each article trying to find any insight into the man she was now supposed to trust her safety with even though she felt there was no need, Harrison and Darren were both obsessed with security and wouldn't let just anyone around the family. The last article she pulled up was titled "A Champions Fall" and was extremely short compared to the rest published about him and had no commentary from Mason himself, which was strange based on the previous articles.

"Famed MMA champion Mason Arden's wife Linda Arden recently filed a no-contest divorce. The proceedings occurred in a shortened period leaving fans and legal experts alike stunned. All finances and full custody of Natalie Arden have been awarded to Linda with no room for additional appeal."

"What a mess," Zoey said to herself as she laid back on her bed and stared back up at the ceiling. She thought about what it would be like to have someone always around her and then she thought about how Natalie must feel no longer having her father. Suddenly, she didn't feel so bad about her situation as her phone began to ring and vibrate in her hand.

If there was one thing Zoey could always count on it was her best friend Olivia calling whenever she felt down. It was like she had a sixth sense and always knew when Zoey needed her companionship or just someone to talk to for a while.

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