Monsters- Devils...

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Parker sat by the fire thinking over his situation. He looked up at the dark sky and saw it illuminated by the uncountable amount of stars. He smiled, he and his dad used to play a game to see who could find the biggest star. A small tear trickled down his cheek as his lips trembled slightly. "I wish things where just normal." He said out loud. He didn't know if he was talking to himself or to God. Parker was a Christian and now was the best time to pray. He spoke a soft prayer before continuing to search the sky.

A twig snaps. Parker whipped his knife out and surveyed the area. Nothing. He squinted a bit and he thought he could see twenty or so figures wandering dangerously close to their camp. Quietly, he snuck over to the hollowed log Alice and Lizzy where sleeping in. Parker crouched down and tapped Alice on the shoulder. Her eyes opened slowly as she looked up at him. "What's up?" She asked groggily. "We have to go." He stated firmly. Sensing the urgency in his voice, her eyes widened. "Here." Alice said before handing Lizzy to him, who had woken. Parker could hear the rustle of leaves and the senseless rambling of the infected. Alice pulled herself out of the log before the two started running. Lizzy looked surprised. "Why are we leaving?" She asked looking at Parker. He set her down and held her hand as she ran with him. Lizzy looked back to see a group of shadows chasing after them through the night. She gasped and began running even quicker. The hoard was catching up. Parker scowled and picked up Lizzy once again before exerting all his muscle strength into a full sprint, leaping over rocks and roots. Alice too, quickened her pace. Parker's whole chest felt like it was going to cave in on it's self as he was trying to keep his breathing rhythmic and not hyperventilate. Parker glanced back to see they had lost a few of the infected but still about half the hoard of now about ten, was still pursuing their prey. "Look out!" Alice shouted.

    Parker slid to a stop about two feet away from a ledge. He looked down to see it was a steep slope that went about twelve feet down. "Stand here." Parker directed Lizzy, as he climbed down. "Okay Liz, now you! Just do what I did!" He shouted up to his sister. Fear was etched across her face as her first pink tennis shoe came to rest on a root. Alice climbed along side her as the duo could hear the hoard of mindless monsters- no, Devils, chasing them. After the longest thirty seconds ever, Parker grabbed Lizzy and Alice hopped down and they took off. Parker looked back to a sight that made him smile, the hoard had reached the cliff and was now falling to their doom, injuring themselves too much to continue the chase. It was over. They where safe... For now...

   They wandered the dark woods  in search for shelter before coming across an old shed in the middle of the woods. Parker set the now sleeping Lizzy down and drew his knife. "Stay here. I'll check the place out." He whispered to Alice. She nodded, pulling out her own knife. Parker quietly opened the door, before entering the shed. He searched the dark structure but nothing was out of the ordinary. Just a shed. He went out to Alice and Lizzy and motioned for her to come inside. Alice picked up the sleeping child and took her into the old abandoned shack. "You go to bed Parker. You already were up most of the night." Alice reasoned, glaring into Parker's eyes. She truly meant what she was saying. "Fine." He huffed cuddling Lizzy in his chest. He felt his eyes grow heavy as a wave of sleep came over him. It was the best sleep he has had in a while...

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