Shitty introductions

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As the hallways cleared Cassie stood alone in front of her new class. Ray had left to find her classroom a few minutes prior and now the female had no idea how to walk in on her own. She had started about two weeks after everyone else so many of her classmates have probably already formed small friendships and personal friend groups.

Could she really adapt to this new setting? Normally Ray was always next to her pushing her to be more confident and outgoing and most of the time she was. But not when she was alone. Cassie's left hand shook slightly at her side while her right clutched tightly onto the strap of her bag containing her school supplies.

She could hear the loud chatter inside the classroom from her vantage point in front of the big doors. Someone was shouting, maybe having an argument? Cassie honestly couldn't tell and she wasn't sure she wanted to know what was going on.

She had almost come to the conclusion that she should call in sick and try again tomorrow when the door swung open, almost smacking her in the face with the force of its outward motion. A long shadow cast over her and Cassie swallowed hard slowly looking up.

A tall intimidating man stood in front of her, or at least she guessed he was tall even though he was slouched over seemingly already exhausted although the day had just started. His eyes were blood red with heavy bags like he hadn't slept in years. Long black shaggy hair framed his pale face that was relatively smooth except for a smattering of stubble above his lip and along his jaw.

He was certainly a handsome man Cassie had to admit. But she quickly recognized him from the minimal times he had appeared on screen as the underground pro hero Erasure Head. Cassie suddenly felt safer, a small smile gracing her lips.

" Good morning sir!" Cassie chirped suddenly, far happier than she had been coming to school. Erasure Head let out a low grunt swinging the door open wider allowing the small female to wedge her way past him.

Closing the door once she was inside the room her new teacher walked swiftly past her reaching under his desk to pull out what looked to be a bright yellow sleeping bag? Cassie raised an eyebrow in confusion glancing at the other students who seemed to have their full intention on her and her alone.

Once her teacher was snug inside his sleeping bag, he flopped into his chair as if he were a butterfly in his cocoon and glared at her from his seat " Introduce yourself to the class then go sit down in the back we have shit to do today." Erasure Head grumbled his voice low and laced with sleepiness.

Cassie nodded her head once, eyes wide in surprise. She was not prepared for her teacher to be so blunt but oh well she would surely get used to it soon enough. The pinkette turned her attention back to the students that sat in rows of desks facing the front of the classroom.

Tucking a strand of pink hair behind her elfish pointed ear, her golden cuff earrings flashing in the light catching a few of the students' eyes, Cassie grins sheepishly, waving her tanned hand shyly at her new classmates. " Hi, I'm Cassie Fox it's nice to meet you "

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