Chapter 25

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Later that night, Rayne awoke to Liam tossing and mumbling in his sleep. His hands were tightly clenched and he seemed to be afraid. She tried to wake him, shaking his shoulders and calling his name. As he tossed, she saw a black misty ring encircle his neck. He suddenly shot up in bed, gasping for air and scratching at his neck. The ring had vanished, but in its place, there was a small line that looked like a fine wire had cut him and a few droplets of blood were shown. "Rayne!" Liam screamed out, not realizing she was next to him. She reached out and took his arm, pulling him towards her. He fell into her arms, shaking and crying. "You were so cold, I couldn't save you," he rambled, clenching her arms, still visibly frightened from his nightmare. "I couldn't...I was bound...she, oh, Rayne..."

"Liam, look at me, I'm right here. I'm safe. We're safe, my love, it's okay, shhh," She lifted his chin and kissed him softly, wrapping her arms tight around him. She had never seen Liam afraid, truly shaken to his core, and it frightened her. What did he see to break him this way? - she wondered.

She continued to hold him until his breathing calmed. He lifted his head and looked at her, his eyes still hollow with fear and concern, "It was Eris. She had me bound to a wall and a cutting rope around my neck." He ran his hand over the thin cut that was quickly fading. "She had done something to you, you looked dead and cold on the floor at her feet. I couldn't get to you, and you didn't answer when I called out." He pulled her into his arms, pressing her hard against him as if he was trying to assure himself she was real. He spoke into her hair, "I had failed you, my love. I couldn't save you."

Rayne pulled back to meet his tear-filled gaze. "She is trying to frighten us, get in our heads. Just like you told me yesterday. She wants us to be scared," she cupped his face in her hands, "Don't let her in." She kissed him, "I'm here and safe with you. I think she wants to break us apart because together we frighten her. We are stronger together, Liam." He nodded his head and kissed her again. He knew she was right, but it was hard to shake the memory of her lying on the floor just beyond his reach. They lay there until the first rays of light broke through the windows, just holding each other in silence.

They stayed close to one another all morning, sitting close at breakfast and walking to the training field holding hands. When they reached the field, Maab took Liam to train with her and a few others. He glanced back over his shoulder at Rayne as he walked away. Maab noticed his reluctance, "She won't be far, no need to fret."

"It's not that, something happened last night," he rubbed his neck tracing the cut that had now healed, " I'm just worried." Maab pushed him to explain, and he recounted the dream and the night's events. "I know Rayne is right and Eris is just trying to distract us, but unfortunately for me, it's working. I can't fail her, Maab. I can't watch her die."

Maab took hold of his arm and said in a stern voice, "You won't fail her, and she won't die. I watched you jump in front of her and risk your very life that day on the field. When the time comes, you will not fail her. Now, be a good boy and let an old woman show you how the Fae can fight," she grinned as she swung her staff at him, making him jump back and cause Lævateinn to appear in his hands.

"Rayne was right, you are a tricky one, Old Queen," he began to lunge forward only to find she had vanished and was now behind him, pushing him to the ground with a firm boot across his backside. Liam landed gracelessly on the ground, grunting in surprise.

Maab's laughter echoed in the air, "Am I more tricky than the God of Mischief?" She lifted her staff to swing again but was surprised to see not one but two Liams on either side of her. "Aaahhh, nice trick," she exclaimed as she twirled her staff like a baton and jabbed at both Liams. The real one on her left, flinched as the staff made contact with his ribs. Maab continued to twirl and parry with the staff that was almost as tall as her. Despite her short stature and age, she moved with the speed of a small child. Her magic helped her teleport circles around Liam. They were almost evenly matched in their conjuring skills as Liam would call forth daggers and even bursts of fire and ice. Maab would consistently dodge all he threw at her and send out waves of energy of her own, causing him to stumble and groan.

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