He Was the Realest, I was the Baddest

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"We've scheduled you a show in Shanghai to finish off promoting the Queen album, you are to go and perform one show, then return immediately with your security to the hotel. Chun-Li sparked a lot of controversy over there. We've assigned you some new bodyguards to keep you safe during the trip." 

I was barely listening, I wanted to go back home. I love my Barbz and would do anything for them, but this is crazy. I don't want to offend anyone, and I certainly don't want to die for my music.

"Send them in," said Irving, "Nicki, these are the most capable kung-fu masters in the whole world. We invented time travel and brought them here just for your safety. Please be kind and greet them."

Six animals, came in the room. A giant panda, a tiger, a viper, a monkey, a crane, and lastly a preying mantis. 

I couldn't take my eyes off of the last one. He was so small, how could he be a master of kung-fu? Is Irving crazy? I am going to be kept safe by five talking animals and a bug?

"I know what you are thinking" A deep, calming voice said. I knew who it was coming from... that little mantis. 

"We are the Furious Five, this is Tigress, Monkey, Crane, and Viper, and I am Mantis. The panda is Po, the Dragon Warrior. The most powerful warrior you will ever meet. We vow to keep you safe, your majesty," said Mantis.  

"Oh, I am the queen of rap, but I don't actually have a royal claim, please, call me Nicki."

"Alright, Nicki."

I felt my face get warm when Mantis spoke my name. His voice is so strong for his size. I wonder what else he has that's big for his size...

No. Stop it Nicki, you're here to work. You have a show to put on. Get your head in the game. 

The warriors left to be briefed on my security system, and I went to get ready for the show. I was so nervous knowing that Mantis would be watching my every move. 

I felt a heat growing somewhere in the pit of my stomach. My curves were going to be on full display at tonight's show. I need to be on my game. As much as I want to be professional, I can't seem to stop these thoughts from flooding through my brain. Does he feel it too? I hope so.

Once I was dressed and my hair and makeup were complete, I started the trip to the arena. I was not about to be there longer than required for my performance. It's an open area and attacks could come from any angle. I found myself getting nervous before I even left my hotel. 

I was blocked by security on all sides, but somehow I still felt exposed. I knew his eyes were on me, I could just feel them. Sure enough, once I was in the car I looked out the window to see Mantis watching me from the street with the rest of the warriors. He was wearing a small security badge, and it appears that they were all given jackets and sunglasses, like the rest of my staff. He is so small, it must have been barbie clothes. Nonetheless, he looked sexy. Even through the dark sunglasses and tinted car windows, we were watching each other. 

I made it through the ride and the show safely. While performing, I felt like I was throwing it back just for him. I didn't know where he was in the building but I knew he was watching me. I felt it in my soul. The feeling in the pit of my stomach grows, and the heat radiates down. 

After the show, I'm in my dressing room trying to relax. My hair is down, makeup scrubbed clean, and I am lounging in my robe. The Furious Five are preparing my car, and keeping the fans at bay while I wait for my car to arrive. There was a shooter threat on twitter after the show ended, and Po said we can't take any chances. We're putting a fake Nicki in one car, and I am going to be driving myself with limited security in another, just to be safe. 

I hear a knock on my dressing room door, but it's coming from low to the ground. The heat returns. 

"Come in," I say, "I know it's you Mantis."

"Nicki, I'm going to ride back to the hotel with you if that's okay." 

God yes, I almost came right then.

"Of course, Mantis."

I felt his eyes piercing into me through the sunglasses. Here goes nothing...

"See something you like?" I know my robe can barely contain my body. 

"Yes, Nicki." He said my name like I was water and he was a desert traveler. Like I was god and he was a sinner. He said my name like I was the only thing that mattered in the entire universe, and honestly, I choose to believe that is how he meant it.

"Screw professionalism, Mantis. Lock the door and come show me what that mantussy do."

He did as he was told. 

He was so fast and strong. I had to shut my eyes, it was all happening too quickly. The feeling of the spines of his legs crawling up my body almost drove me over the edge, but in an instant that feeling started to change. 

"Let me show you who I really am." 

"What do you mean, Mantis?" I gasped. His face was right by my ear, and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. 

"Open your eyes, Nicki."

My brown orbs fluttered opened, a bulky green man with Mantis' eyes was staring back at me. He was stark naked and that thang was thanging. 

"Wha-" He stopped me with a kiss.

"This is my final form, through all of my years of kung-fu training, and subsequent mastery, I have gained the ability to change forms. I am now one of your kind, and we can mate for real."

"I've been fantasizing about you from the moment our eyes connected, I need you in me now. My Nickussy is throbbing with desire, and from the looks of it, your Mantussy is undulating. Lets make a new species."

We stayed locked in each other's embraces for far too long, but we knew that all we had was our time together in Shanghai. After the concert, and the Furious Five ensure my safety, they will be blipped back to Ancient China. We will never be together again. We need to make tonight count.

When we finally separated, it was only for the amount of time it took us to get from the concert venue to my hotel room, where we fell into one another again and again. There was no use denying our love. Mantis and I were meant to be, but not in this timeline.

9 months later, I had a physical reminder of our night of forbidden passion, with Mantis Jr. becoming the first human-mantis hybrid to ever exist. He is a medical mystery, but he is my medical mystery, and a constant reminder of his father's undying love for me and my ushy gushy Nickussy.

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