❆𝐑.𝐈. | 𝟎𝟎𝟒

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❝Hm?❞ He hummed in confusion, lifting his hand up to his face and stopping just in front of his eye.

❝Oh, it's just part of my eye~ Just like the stars in your eyes!❞ He explained with a whimsical smile, the light in his eyes twinkling with amusement.

❝Oh, so ❛Upper Moon Two❜ doesn't mean anything?❞ You asked quietly, squinting slightly to better see the words that had piqued your curiosity.

He shook his head, smiling even brighter at your question.

❝Nope! Just random nonsense!❞ He assured you, his tone light-hearted and carefree. However, something about his response didn't sit right with you. You tilted your head, furrowing your eyebrows in contemplation.

❛That's . . . That sounds a bit . . . odd. Just random nonsense? That's it? Hm . . . I guess it is just like the stars in my eyes. They mean nothing.❜ You thought, trying to piece together the fragments of your confusion.

Despite the uncertainty gnawing at you, you forced a light smile, dispelling your puzzled expression.

❝Okay. That's cool . . . I guess.❞ You responded, your voice trailing off as you glanced down.

An awkward silence fell between you two, the air so thick with tension that it felt almost tangible.

You loathed these moments, where every second seemed to stretch into an eternity.

Just then, a voice cut through the heavy atmosphere. ❝My goddess. Your snacks are ready.❞

Startled, you flinched slightly before turning around to see Yasozo standing there. A wave of relief washed over you, and you couldn't help but smile.

❝Aha, thank you, Yasozo.❞ You said, watching as she walked to the small table and placed the snacks down.

You clapped your hands together, excitement bubbling up as you looked at the sweet food.

❝Looks delicious as ever, Yasozo. Thank you!❞ You exclaimed, your smile broadening. However, it has faltered slightly when you looked back at her and noticed the expression on her face.

Yasozo was glaring at Douma with a look of utter hate, her eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed, her nose scrunched up in disgust.

The intensity of her glare was unsettling.

You let out a nervous laugh from this, scratching the back of your neck awkwardly.

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