❆𝐑.𝐈. | 𝟎𝟎𝟔

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❝Are you sure you're not tired? We can always go back inside and rest.❞

❝Nope! I'm good~ I usually sleep during the day anyway.❞

You hummed, nodding as you both strolled through your garden.

It's been a couple of hours since you brushed his hair. You and Douma played a couple of games, got to know each other more, and now you're giving him a tour of your house. Well, more like mansion.

But you completed that a couple minutes back. Now your giving him a tour of the outside.

❝Oh alright. So what were you saying about your cult?❞

He smiled happily at your curiosity, shrugging his shoulders as he inspected some of your tall flowers.

❝Oh nothing! Just that they're very good. And they always bring me -- ❞

His words slowly drained out and became a notion of white sound as you stared at him -- you had spaced out again. You gently averted your gaze from him aimlessly, looking around your garden as you gently kicked your foot around in the soft green grass.

❛I wonder what I'll do after he's gone . . . I never liked sending letters . . . Hm . . . I wonder if he knows how to fight! Maybe we can be fighting buddies! Training with Tomioka was a literal nightmare . . . Too hard.❜

❝ - ht! So that's it~❞

You blinked in confusion as you had came back down to earth and heard his finishing explanation. You quickly looked over at him, wearing a blank face of surprise.

❛Oh no I spaced out again! Why do I keep doing that? When I did that to Tomioka he thought I was ignoring him . . . Gosh I felt so bad after that - ! Wait aren't I supposed to be doing something?❜

You blinked again, realizing you spaced out again.

He stared down at you, looking like he was waiting for something. An answer. He must of asked a question while you were in your thoughts.

God he probably thought you looked like an idiot . . .

❝Uhm . . . Yes?❞ You tried to answer with confidence, only to fail doing so as it sounded like you were unsure.

He tilted his head at your words, looking down at you with a huge smile.

Ah god, he knew you weren't paying attention, didn't he?

❝You would like that? Good.❞ He cheered happily, walking ahead of you and waving off your slight confusion.

You hadn't noticed we completely stopped when he asked you the question you didn't hear until you saw him walking again.

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