Author's Note: I'm Back!

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Hello, dearest Wattpad readers!

I'm so excited to announce that I'm part of Wattpad's new Creators program. I was a Wattpad Star prior to this, so I'm really excited to see the new evolution of Wattpad's dedication to its writers. I have loved sharing my work on Wattpad over the past couple years, because it means I get to connect with readers. I've been lucky to get some amazingly positive feedback here. I'm so grateful. 

And so, as part of my participation in Creators and as a thank-you to the readers who love the kind of stuff I write, I'm back with a new story!

SHALL NOT SLEEP means a lot to me. I wrote the first draft over ten years ago, but I never really knew what to do with it. It was too short to query to agents, too long to try to publish as a short story. I knew I wanted to publish it someday, though, because to this day it's the only thing I've ever written that makes me cry. 

Wattpad seems like it will be the perfect home for my weird little misfit story. 

It's about Max and Alastair and the fabric of time. The title comes from the poem that inspired it, "In Flanders Fields" by John McCrae, a poet, doctor, and soldier who fought and died in World War I. 

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it years ago, and as much as I've loved revisiting it. The first chapter is coming soon so be sure to follow me and add it to your library so you can follow along. 


Rebecca Christiansen

Shall Not Sleep [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now