Ch 7: You came like a dream (7)

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Count Artes will be overturned after his business trip.

The poison in her sweet voice seeped out. The simple threat forced the woman to shut up, barely aware of the situation.

She finally shut up. Acilla tried to cool off her red-hot head. It’s tough, but I have to put up with it. Unfortunately—which is usually considered fortunate—murder in the Ederka Empire could not be settled with money.

I want to live ignoring the law.

In fact, Acilla, a representative person who can survive even if there is no law, tried to endure it somehow for her own safety.

The cane that had fallen on the floor came into her view. That very cane was dyed with an ugly color.

…Ah, I’m going crazy. When she tried to appease her anger that touched the critical point, it quickly broke the limit again.

Acilla reached out and picked up the red cane. A ferocious and blatant murderous intent surrounded her whole body. She was numb as if her head had been beaten. Whenever her anger reaches its peak, she can calm herself down. She asked slowly, brooding over the new realization.

“How many times did you hit her?”


“Baby, how many hits did you get?”

A very small voice murmured the answer. And Acilla, who shrewdly understood, sharpened her teeth.

“Isn’t that a bit too much violence to inflict on a young child, Madam?”

The Countess’s ears flared up. It was clear evidence that she knew what she had done.

I didn’t do it, I didn’t know. You wouldn’t know if you had a little common sense.

The Countess raised her head and looked straight at her elusive red eyes. The noblewoman seemed to have chosen the latter between conscience and shamelessness.

“It’s just discipline, Miss Acilla Duncan.”


“Yes, discipline.”

“Discipline… All right, Madam. Would you like to make a big deal with me?”

Acilla lightly moved the cane in the air.

“I think you desperately need discipline, but I’ll do it for you. How about 100 golds per hit?”

“What nonsense are you talking about!”

“Isn’t it a corporal punishment for a child? Why can’t an adult stand it, huh? Isn’t it a profitable business to earn that much money with just that much physical punishment?”

Her laughter tore apart the icy atmosphere.

“Ahh, you’re short of money.”

“You’re crazy!”

“It’s very unfair to hear that from a child abuser… Let’s bargain again. 100 is not enough. How much would you like? How much do I need to hit that precious body? 100? 200? 500?”


“A thousand? That’s a very expensive body.”

Acilla gritted her teeth and picked up the cane.

At the same time, the Count’s butler jumped in and blocked the woman as if protecting her. Unlike Mitchell, who was still watching the show, he was fidgeting and fretting the whole time.

“Be careful, my lady.”

“Move. Do you think I can’t hit you? If that woman is charged with assault, then you’ll be guilty for aiding. Did you feel good just watching her while she was like that?”

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