Book 1: A Girl in Another World - Chapter 22

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It has been one week since we started our journey, and I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience so far. Most of the time, our route was through farmland, which was safe, and during that time, I'd ride on the stallion with Aldric, which was lovely and romantic. When we passed the woods, I'd be shuffled back into the carriage with Elizabeth and Maria. The atmosphere during this time would always be tense as monsters were lurking about, waiting to pounce on us.

Indeed, we were pounced on several times, mostly goblins—small, green, ugly beings with nasty personalities. They seemed to have a thing for young women and would charge at me and Maria every time, even when we were inside the carriage and away from their prying eyes. Apparently, they could smell us, the young women. I suspected it had something to do with the scent of female hormones. It was like they could smell pheromones or something.

"They kidnap women and use them for breeding," Theo said, and I shivered in trepidation. Not that I couldn't handle them with my elemental magic though. It was just the thought of those things forcing themselves on unwilling girls that was a distaste to me. But, of course, Aldric, Vincent, and Theo would annihilate them within a blink of an eye every time they made their presence known. Sometimes, Liam would join in since he had been casually tutored in the art of combat by Theo when we had spare moments.

During those spare moments, too, Aldric would teach me how to ride a horse, and so far, I could manage, barely, without falling off and landing flat on my face. Vincent had been teaching Maria to ride one as well, and she seemed to have the knack for it, unlike me.

Why was I so horrible with anything that was physical? Even Elizabeth, who had been guided by Theo a few times, was already turning the horse about like a pro.

I sighed and gazed up at the sky.

"What's the matter?" Maria's voice came my way.

"Just wondering when I'd be able to master horse riding," I said. "You and Mother seem to have already mastered it, where as I..."

"Keep at it," Maria said. "You'll get there. Besides, isn't it nice that you get to spend that time with Lord Norsewood? He's very patient."

I nodded in agreement. All that time I had failed to follow his instructions, he never once showed any sort of irritation with me. Indeed, he was a very patient man.

Speaking of Aldric, I hadn't seen him for a while now. I scanned around our makeshift camp, noting Theo was with Elizabeth preparing our lunch with the ingredients I had created, while Vincent and Liam were tending to the horses.

"Theo, where's Aldric?" I asked.

Theo nodded toward the other side where the waterfall was located. "Washing himself undoubtedly. Orc blood is foul, after all."

Yes, of course, he'd be washing himself. We had only encountered a horde of orcs early this morning, and Aldric alone had slaughtered them, which was beautiful to watch. Not that him doing the killing and monsters dying with blood spurting out everywhere was beautiful. I meant his graceful fighting style.

I stood, dusted the dirt from my pants, and then strode toward the waterfall. It was nice here, with some of the trees still in beautiful autumn color and the birds and bees.

I admit it was getting colder now as we got farther north, and winter was just around the corner. I sure hoped we'd arrive at Norsewood before the first snow started to fall, though according to Aldric, we shouldn't take longer than another week to reach our destination.

Another week, huh? That meant our traveling time was shorter than I expected. The journey from Bedford to Norsewood was meant to be at least one month, so how was it possible that we could do it within two weeks? Aldric must have taken us through a shortcut perhaps? Or maybe it was because we were the A-team.

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