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"If you want to call her then do, don't stare at your phone like that" taking the water bottle from the fridge jimin looked at his phone.

"It's already 2am tae, go and sleep." Taehyung lift his head up which was rested on the table until Jimin came. He stood up nodding his head before walking into his room.

They have recently moved out the dorm. A small apartment near the, college campus. Which contains two bedrooms with one small living room with kitchen at the side. Jimin and Taehyung shares a room when jungkook and hoseok another one.

"Good mor-"
"Bye I'm late" taking a toast in his mouth, taehyung rushed out of the room leaving jimin who just blinks at taehyung's behaviour.

"Hyung seat, it's his regular routine" munching a donat which jungkook bought a while ago he indicated Jimin to seat. Jimin took his seat beside jungkook shaking his head at his best friend's behaviour.

Taehyung has joined in an art museum as an intern for couples of months now. His sleepless night is making him late for a month. Him staring at his phone at the midnight became his routine, and he was too stubborn to call her first, but it doesn't mean he didn't know what she was doing or not.

It's not like he was still angry at her it was just why she didn't call him first. why didn't he or she call first became the barrier for them. They both were stubborn, hurting eachother.

The ring of his phone distracted him from his work. He took out his phone, swiping the green dancing icon he put the phone on speaker as he continued to counting the art pieces which just came.

"Hello, tae?" The voice of a girl confused taehyung for a second but then it eased after recognise the voice

"What are you doing with Jimin's phone, jiwoo?" Taehyung asked

"I just met jimin and we are planning to go out for dinner. Are you coming?" "Shut the fuck up bunny face" taehyung shook his head thinking how these two never talk with eachother nicely

"Yes I'm coming" taehyung said, actually he didn't wanted to listen to their fight it always remind him of her. How they also used to bicker all the time.

"Okay I'll send you the location"
"Okay" and the call cut.


The sound of chattering people is filled up the restaurant when taehyung went there. Waiters were running in the busy place, taehyung went their table slowly, not colliding with the people.

"You are late" jiwoo said taking her sling bag from the chair so taehyung can sit there.

"Sorry there was too much traffic" taking the seat beside jimin he put his bag beside the chair.

"So what's the occasion today?" Taking a sip of the soju he asked.

"Nothing special i was getting bored so i asked if anyone was free evryone said they were busy but you three"

"I was also busy, you dragged me here" jungkook who was silent, sipping his shot rolled his eyes.

"I didn't even ask you" jiwoo sarcastically smiled.

"Hey hey guys looked at this" jimin who was scrolling Instagram, shows them a photo, a group photo.

"She is getting pretty, ah i miss her" jiwoo sighed

"Who is that boy?" Taehyung who wasn't interested asked untill he understood whose photo was jimin showing.

"Maybe her friend" jungkook said, eating his pork belly.

"Don't you think he is too close" taking the phone from Jimin's hand taehyung zoomed the photo.

"Why he is standing too close?" Taehyung narrowed his eyes before getting a smack from jimin.

"That's none of your business" Jimin took his phone from him also adding "if you really concerned this much why don't you-

"Hello, don't you think that boy is standing too close?" Jimin stopped, even jiwoo, and jungkook too, the person who wasn't ready to call his girlfriend till last night now is calling cause a boy was standing close to her?

"Call her" jimin whispered finishing his sentence.
"Debadrita should have done it a long time ago-" jiwoo sighed again before taking a bite of her dinner.

"What are you talking about?" A confusing voice came over the phone

"That boy in your recent post"

"Oh Rounak?"

"Whatever his name is I don't care. Why he is standing close to you?"

"What's with that? He is my friend he can stand beside me."

"No he can't, what if he isn't a good person?"

"It shouldn't concern you and besides that i have known him for a year now he is a good person"

"But still-

"Look if you called me for this shit then I'm hanging up the call"

"Why are you getting angry? Don't you think I would be the person who should be angry right now?"

"Off course not"

"Woahh, you- you "

"If you don't have anything to say then I'm really hanging up"

"You really are something"

"Yes one and only"

"I don't want to see the boy next to you next time"

"Huh! What made you think I'll do that?"

"You will, I know" he whispered the last two sentences

"Don't be so overconfident"

"I'm not, i just... Whatever I don't like that boy"

"It's not like you don't like that boy, it's just you are jealous of him"

"I'm not jealous"

"You are"

"I'm not"

"Oh my god! Please admit na you are jealous"

"Yeah I'm jealous. I'm jealous cause that boy got the chance to stand beside you"

"Actually I'm envious of him"

"If you are that much envious of him then come, come here and stand beside me" the calming voice came through the phone, the words which were unspoken.


"Whatever I'm hanging up, maa is calling me" the bip sound made him exhale.

"Tae! Taehyung, what happened?" Jimin asked concern was visible on his face.

"Nothing let's eat." He avoided the question, taking a bite of fride pork belly.

The three of his friends looked at each other trying to find what just happened.

Dear diary, Today Kim taehyung killed me again

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Dear diary,
Today Kim taehyung killed me again.

Someone tell him to adopt me. 😔

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