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'stay away from my taetae'

*What the hell is this?*

*And who the hell is taetae?*

Aish whatever I just threw the latter to the nearest dustbin and went to my class..

As I entered to the class I saw jiwoo and jungkook was talking with each other i also joined them. After sometimes a student came and said

"Mrs.song said us to go to room no.26" as he said everyone stand up and heading to there

"Why mrs.song asked us to go there??" I asked to jiwoo and jungkook

"Don't know" jungkook said

I hummed and then we headed to room no.26


I sat in my class when mrs.song came and "guys today I'm going to give you yours project with your junior.. so someone go to room 14 and called them here" mrs.song said and one of our student went to call them

After sometime >> author's pov

As debadrita and her classmates got there everyone took their sits..

"Huyng! Here" jungkook said as he found taehyung

"Oh kookei come here" taehyung said

"Let's go guys sit beside tae-hyung" jungkook said

"Why?? Just sit here na!!" Debadrita said but kookei didn't listen to her and dragged her where taehyung was sitting

"Hi sunbea-nim" jiwoo said and took her

"Hi Jia sunbea-nim" debadrita said to the girl who was sitting next to taehyung and sat beside taehyung's other side while jungkook sat next to her

"Hii!!" Jia said to her

"So guys let's talk about why I called you here.. I called you here bcz of your project. You have to pair up with your senior.. and this project is your final exam project as your final exam is near you all know.. for this project I'll give you one week.. in this one week you guys have to complete your project means your art and in the submission date you have to explain your art.. understand?" Mrs.song said and we nodded..

Then a boy rose up his hands

"Yes tell what do you have problems?" Mrs.song asked him

"Ma'am we will choose our own partner or you'll Choose??" The boy asked

"Yes I'll choose your partners" mrs.song said and everyone groaned bcz now they can't choose their own partner

"Okay so after I tell your partners you can go outside and decide your project" mrs.song said

"And guys tomorrow you have guys have an art class together" she said

"And Don't worry I picked up a good partner for you guys" she said and smile

"So let's start Jackson and Lisa, heyjin and mark, jungkook and ji eun, blah blah blah jiwoo and heyri, jia and chanyeol" as she said and everyone exited the class room

"And lastly Debadrita and taehyung" as she said

"YOU" they both said in unison

"Sorry ma'am I can't pair with him" debadrita said

"I also don't have any interest to work with you" taehyung said and rolled his eyes

"Listen debadrita he is our art department's topper so it'll be help" mrs.song said

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