Axel gets his baddy😻 haircut🤪😍😍

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(That Santa bitch hates poor kids🥱🤡🙄😒)

Axel goes to get his haircut and tells the crusty dusty and musty and gay ass barber.
(or whatever they call it😒🤧)to just cut up to where his eyes are cuz axels emo and still wants his bangs to cover his eyes or whatever

But that bitch cut his bangs so fucking short axel didn't even have bangs no more

"Can I has a refund bitch?"
Axel asked the pedophile dude

The pedophile dude said,
"No you dumb as bitch you can't even spell yo godamn name right your so fucking stupid your fucking a British dude named bentdick. Your so stupid you can't spe or talk right go back to headstart dumbass"


Axel:"But I'm dyslexic 😔😶"

"Oh shoot😶I'm sorry I take back on what I said about you not spelling and talking right 😶" the pedophile barber dude was speechless.

So basically the barber dude cut assface bangs to short and now he has a bigg ass mega mind looking ass forehead.

Axels big ass forehead Where stories live. Discover now