~The Legacy: Chapter 15~

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They entered camp to be greeted by the sound of kits crying in the Nursery and yowling cats in the clearing.
In the clearing, fighting, was Rockhopper and Beeflower, the two elders, Specklefern and Grayfur, while Fuzzyear and Daisypelt defended the Nursery, and, to her amazement, Stonestar, alongside Tigerfur, Willowleaf, Redpelt and Swiftflight.
Fernfeather was with Mossgaze and Whitepaw, while Iris-Eye fought alongside her mother, Voleroach.
Nearly every cat in ThunderClan was fighting.
On ShadowClan's side, led by Webclaw, she saw Owlfeather, Sorrelfeather, and Mantis. Though Mantis was not part of any Clan in the lake, they clearly acknowledged him to be a member of Half-Sight's rogue group.
There were no others except Reedtail, fighting alone near the Medicine Den. Russetpaw and Crookedfire were nowhere in sight, and she highly doubted either would be hiding from this.
Spiralpaw instantly ran off to help her mother, while Ashpaw rushed over to Reedtail's aid.
Flamepaw stood, shocked, unsure of the situation or what to do.
Spiralpaw glared at Webclaw, the bulky warrior who was facing Grayfur. He lunged at Spiralpaw, but she swiftly avoided the attack, moving under him as he bolted.
She leapt onto his back, clawing it as she crawled to his head.
Grayfur looked like she would drop any minute from exhaustion.
Spiralpaw, infuriated at Webclaw's audacity, attempting to take a swipe at the downed queen, scratched at his head until there was barely any white visible under the heavy coating of red.
Webclaw yowled furiously, rolling down in pain.
Specklefern lifted Grayfur carefully but quickly, laying her in the Nursery.
"Where in the name of StarClan did you go?!" Specklefern burst out to Spiralpaw as she ran quickly to help Fernfeather.
"We were looking for something that would lead us to Firpaw!" Spiralpaw shouted over the yowling, hissing, spitting and growling.
"You mouse-brained apprentices!" Specklefern raged, barging straight into Owlfeather, toppling her over.
Spiralpaw knew this large group could handle the foe, so she quickly ran to Ashpaw and Reedtail, who were struggling with Sorrelfeather.
Though the ShadowClan she-cat was slim, she was awfully agile, and by far older, therefore somewhat wiser in some aspects.
Spiralpaw slid under Sorrelfeather, kicking at her belly.
The dirty-gold she-cat grunted, falling on her side.
The she-cat recovered from the attack with an astonishing speed, and shot at Ashpaw.
Reedtail had fallen, and Sorrelfeather and Mantis were the only other enemies left, injured aside.
Nobody else had come to help Reedtail, and still, nobody did.
Reedtail lay on the ground, breathing heavily, evidently close to going unconscious.
As Sorrelfeather lunged at Ashpaw, Spiralpaw, not knowing what else she could do, jumped in front and shoved him aside, instead getting what he would've had she done none of this.
Sorrelfeather banged into Spiralpaw, and Spiralpaw felt a sharp pain and a cracking sound echoed in her ear.
Spiralpaw fell, blinking.
Her vision slowly blurred, and, before she closed her eyes, she saw Reedtail and Ashpaw taking care of Sorrelfeather.
And then everything went dark...

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