Chapter 6: Hanging By A Moment

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Wow... Has it been THAT long since I updated?? Holy crap. My life has changed so much since... August of 2012? Wow. Honestly, I wrote this chapter in after a LONG period writer's block in December and just haven't gotten around to posting 'til.... Now. Well, sorry for the long wait. A lot has happened to me since that time. My faith in 1D has faltered since then, but I'm still a loyal directioner and think I will be for a long while. Anyways, enjoy the chapter! This honestly isn't as great of a chapter as I would have liked it to be after such a long wait... But here goes nothing.


Niall didn't think this could get any better. A secret boyfriend, huh? Niall had barely been in a relationship, let alone a secret one. Louis had confessed that he liked Niall back, asked him to be his boyfriend, and everything was going smoothly. For now.

The new couple's nights were full of cuddling and shameless kissing. Niall made a permanent spot in Louis' bed, and refused to sleep anywhere else except right beside the Tomlinson boy's side. Niall claimed he was "making up for lost time", attached to Louis whenever the other boys and Harry weren't around. No one seemed to suspect anything.

Until a month later.

Harry, paranoid as always, kept a special eye on Louis whenever they were together as a group. Harry claimed he had no hard feelings for that night when he stormed off, and Louis had forgiven him publicly. That seemed to keep the rest of the press satisfied, but they were damn wrong. Everyone seemed to buy that the whole "Larry Stylinson" breakup was a mutual understanding and that the ex-couple had just "drifted apart", giving Larry fans hope that their old ship might get back together out of the ashes. Interviews were set up strategically so that no amount of excess information about the breakup was revealed, and that minimum questions were asked about the situation. Everyone was happy, as the fans saw it.

But Niall knew they were so damn wrong.

They couldn't see the loathe in Harry's tingling green gaze, shooting daggers at anyone who sat remotely close to Louis. The curly haired boy still felt possessive of something he no longer owned. Louis' eye twitched occasionally when this happened, frowning at Harry whenever he felt the boy's gaze digging into the back of his head. Niall timidly avoided Harry at all costs, sticking to Liam's side at times to avoid the electricity between them. Louis wasn't happy about this, but he knew it was for the best. If Niall became too clingy to Louis whenever Harry was around, that paranoid boy would immediately suspect something was up.

They sat in their usual interview order, starting with Harry, then Zayn, Niall, Liam, and finally Louis on the other end of the long couch. The boys knew their orders by heart due to their overwhelming amount of interviews, and found that this particular arrangement kept the fighting and tension at a minimum. Their interviewer, a blonde women with piercing green eyes who's name Niall had forgotten as soon as he heard it(it happens when you saw so many people) was adjusting her index cards and ruffling her long hair before the countdown began, signaling they would be broadcasted live in less than five seconds. On cue, the standard morning show music played through the studio, and the blonde woman stood to wave at her expectant audience(who were mostly girls in their late teens). One girl almost ambushed the stage in excitement, being carried off by a hefty security guard.

"Welcome back, everyone! It's that time of the show I'm sure EVERYONE tuned in to see today!" she articulated proudly, gaining another round of applause from the audience, as well as a few enthusiastic "I love you,(insert name here)!!"

"Today, I have the international pop sensation boy band One Direction here for an EXCLUSIVE interview, as I'm pretty sure ALL of you can tell!" She emphasized before flipping her hair to prove some kind of a point. The parade of girls gave a deafening scream at the very mention of their idol band. Niall had to stop himself from reaching up and ripping his ears off, but remained smiling at the camera and occasionally waving to one of the girls, many who fainted from his mere presence.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2013 ⏰

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