Chapter Two: "It's Not Your Fault"

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Alright, so I decided enough people read my first chapter, I might as well do a follow up! Yeah, this chapter is just a fill in really to lead up to the next chapter, but it's gotta bit of cuteness to it. There will be tons of that later, believe me.

Already I have gotten a few.. Complaints about the whole Harry thing. First of all, I don't hate Harry. I actually love him. But every story needs a antagonist, and unfortunately, Harry fits the bill. I love him to pieces like the rest of the boys, but the whole Larry Stylinson thing keeps this story moving along. So please dont be angry or hate when I bash on him a bit. And if you think this is bad.... You dont wanna know what happens later on in the story. Really. It gets worse. Harry gets the short end of the stick the whole story. But who knows...aybe he'll find a new someone to replace Louis.. ;)

Also there is so Niam in here. Much, much later. I won't say anymore.

Yes, this chapter did take forever to write. I apologize to what few people actually read this.

And yes, I know I write differently from a lot of other writers. I had a complaint about that too.. It's written in third-person, which is harder to write in than first-person. First person is in the perspective of "I". I don't like writing like that. It gets repetitive. But some people can write in first person and do an amazing job.

alright, so all this being said, here's the next chapter! :) tell me if you like it!


Chapter two

Niall's eyes shot open, doing a few double takes around the dark room he and Louis shared. Nothing. Nothing but the dim light from under the door and Louis sleeping peacefully in the other bed. Had he imagined it? It seemed too real to seem fake. Shrugging, Niall pulled the covers over his head and laid there, taking in a few calming breaths to stop the shivers.

His eyes almost completely shut when he heard the scream again. It was faint, yes, but he swore it sounded closer this time. He sat up, getting a good look over at Louis. That had to be the source. He spied Louis thrashing periodically in his bed, almost as if he was restless and couldn't sleep. But his eyes were screwed shut, and a loud keening noise escaped the back of his throat, almost as if he was whimpering in his sleep. Niall blinked, moving across the room to shake Louis' shoulder before he hurt himself,"Lou, wake up!" He whispered, biting his lip. Louis lashed out at whoever was touching him, missing Niall's head by a few inches,"Don't touch me, you monster!" He shouted, refusing to open his eyes.

"Louis, it's me!" Niall soothed. That managed to rouse Louis enough to peak through his eyelashes before looking directly at the blonde and rubbed his eyes,"Niallers? That you? " He blinked, almost seeming like he couldn't believe it,"Niall, I thought I lost you.." He whispered, tears beginning to swell up in his perfect blue eyes.

"No, don't cry! It's only a bad dream." he smiled reassuringly, putting two fingers on the inside of his wrist,"Yup, still alive. See?" Niall chuckled. Louis laughed, but it sounded forced,"Harry came back.." Louis elaborated hoarsely, eyes glistening with fear and tears,"He was real mad an' almost got you.. And then he said I'm next." He choked up, looking up at Niall wearily. Niall's mouth hung open,"That's awful! Lou.. You're safe now. No Harrys in here," he murmured, pushing Louis' bangs back. Louis nodded,"You're right. Wha' am I doin', crying over him?"

Niall sat on the edge of the bed,"It's okay to cry sometimes. It means you have feelings," He sighed, remembering the nights he cried himself to sleep over Louis. Louis looked up at Niall with round eyes,"Do you cry sometimes?"

He sounded so cute, with his lower lip set in a perfect pout, he could have been a puppy. Niall hesitated, shifting in his seat,"Plenty of times." He said, his tone saying to drop the subject. Louis nodded as if he understood. Niall began to stand until he felt a tug on his arm and fell back on Louis' bed,"Stay here," He begged, grabbing Niall's wrist,"What-" He started before Louis cut him off,"I don't wanna be alone.." He said desperately, batting his eyelashes, anything to keep Niall next to him. Niall's heart raced, unable to comprehend completely what Louis was asking,"Uh, yeah, I'll stay if ya want," Niall tried to sound casual, grateful for the darkness so Louis wouldn't see his blushing. The other boy smiled in the dim light,"Thanks," He whispered, scooting to make room for Niall.

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