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( chapter ) eight

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( chapter )

JULIET DAWSON TURNED UP EMPTY handed to Sirius Black's seventeenth birthday party — well, not entirely. She showed up with a bottle of vodka and a packet of cigarettes but they weren't for the birthday boy.

His party was held in the Gryffindor common, which had the same set up as most of their parties. Tables filled with food and drink, sofas pushed to the walls to create space in the middle where people could dance and a record player blurting out loud music all night, this time it was constantly playing Queen and Fleetwood Mac as they were his favourite.

The Four marauders (excluding Sirius) had spent the better part of the day setting up the room so that it was ready for their best friends night. There were red banners hanging from wall to wall, most of them displaying the message Happy 17th Birthday! while others said Sirius' name with crude, stick drawings of him next to them; there was gold and red bunting hanging from wherever it could and confetti of the same colour covering surfaces; random photos of Sirius were placed around the room, ranging from random baby photos that nobody knew how James acquired them, to photos of him sleeping in his dorm room with dribble running down his cheek.

His birthday cake was situated in the middle of the table holding the food, it was a simple Victoria Sponge which James had asked his mum to make knowing just how much Sirius loved Euphemia's baking. It had candles on the top, some singular stick ones and ones that showed the number 17.

Juliet grinned at Remus as she walked into the Common Room, following after Marlene and Dorcas who instantly ran over to the drinks table and began pouring shots for all three of them.

She was wearing a pair of bell-bottom pants, a sunflower embroidered on the back pocket (she had made them over two summers ago and they still remained her favourite jeans of all time), as well as a yellow crochet halter top that matched the colour of her sunflower. And, like usual, she was also wearing her Doc Martens. Her hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, the curls shaped perfectly.

She had mix-matched necklace's covering her neck, silver ones and gold ones, to ones made out of string and shells that she had bought from small shops on the seafront.

Remus couldn't help but let his gaze linger on her for a moment after she had passed. He swallowed harshly before looking away.

Unlike most of the Marauders other parties, this one had a guest list and anyone who wasn't on the list or was younger than fifth year were kicked out of the common room. Some of them complained while others scurried away when Remus asked them to leave.

She didn't find it that fair, but she also found it funny when they would run away without question or try to fight it before looking up at the taller boy and excepting defeat. Anyways, she knew that as they night went on the list would be discarded and they'd just let anyone in no matter who they were.

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