Chapter 10

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Mark POV...

I woke up by the sunlight shine through my window and hit my face. I get up, sitting on my bed still in my bed hair, as I sit there, the moment that Raejin kiss me last night suddenly pop up in my mind. I blushed and smile like an idiot while touching my cheek where she kiss. Then I go to the bathroom and do my daily routine. Brush my teeth, take a shower and wear my uniform. As I finished, I go downstairs and eat my breakfast. After I finish my breakfast, I go into the garage and drive my car to school, as I was driving, I saw Raejin walking to school.........alone. Then I went near the side walk and slide the window down. "Hey!!", I called her but she didn't hear it because she have her earphone on. "Yah!! Raejin-ahh!!", I called her again but she didn't hear. Then I stop the car and run to stop in front of her that make her up in shock. "morning!! XD", I said with a big smile. "Ahh~ Morning", she reply back with a smile while taking her earphone off. Aww~ her smile is so cute. I love her smile. "Hey! Hey! Earth to Mark!" I came back to my sense as she called me. "Are you even listen to me?", she ask me crossing her arm. "Ohh sorry~ I didn't. What are you asking me?", I ask rubbing the back of my neck. "I ask you why are you here?" "I'm here to bring you to school since you are walking to school alone." "Ohh~" I waste no time and drag her into the car and drive to school.

Raejin POV...

I wake up when my alarm clock start to roar near my ear telling me to wake up. I wake up and prepare my bed, go to take a bath. As I finish taking a bath and put my uniform on, I go downstairs for breakfast. Morning Appa, Umma.", I said to my parent as I go and sit informs of my dad in the dinning room. "Morning sweetheart", my dad and mom said at the same time as dad taking a sip of his coffee. As I finish my breakfast, I put on my black converse ad go to the door way. I stop when I hear mom ask me, "Sweetie, aren't you going to let Lee Jung take you to school?" Lee Jung is my driver. He's very nice tho. "No mom. It's okay. I gotta go now. Bye mom bye dad." As I walking to school, I put my earphone on listening to my beloved idol group >>BTS-I Need You<< I stop walking when someone stop in front of me making me jump in shock. I look up and see Mark. "Morning! XD", he said with a big smile on his face. "Ahh~ Morning", I reply back with a smile while taking my earphone off. "Why are you here?", I ask him but he didn't reply. Seem like he's in a deep thought. So, I snap my finger in front of him. "Hey! Hey! Earth to Mark", I said and he come back to his sense. "Are you even listen to me?", I ask while crossing my arm. He reply back, "Ohh sorry~ I didn't. What are you asking me?" "I ask you why are you here?" "I'm here to bring you to school", he reply while pulling me into his car.

~~At School~~

As we arrived at school, I saw a huge crowd gather in front of the school gate and guess who are they? Of course it's Mark's Fan. As I was about to open the car door, Mark step out of the car quickly and run to the passenger seat which is my seat and open the door for me. I thank him. What a gentlemen XD. As we reach the hallway, Mark tell me to go to class first because he have to go to meet his friend at the basketball court. While I was walking to my class, I can feel all the girls in the hallway is staring and some is glaring like I'm an alien from outer space. I suddenly feel someone push my shoulder to hit the wall. I lift my face up to see the Queenkas of our school, Min Ah and her gang. "What do you want?", I ask her in a calm tone. "What I want? I want you to stay away from Mark Oppa", she said in a sarcastic voice. "What if I don't?", I ask with a smirk. "Then I'll make your life live in hell", she said while smirking back. "Ohh really? We'll see about that. Now move. So I can go to my class, you beautiful.........slut", I said smirking while pushing her hand off my shoulder and walk to my class.

~~At Class~~

"Hey!" I was greet by Mark as I enter the class. "Hey!", I reply back. All the girls in the class send me a death glare but I just ignore it.


The bell ring and the teacher come in. "Good morning class. Today we have a new student. Please welcome the new student", he said and the new student come in that bring shock to me. It's...............


To be continue

Pls vote and comment. Kamsamida *bow*

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