Villain AU

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She makes sure to keep you with her at ALL,times.

♡While she hypnotizes all the other rats in Monstat,she orders the already hypnotized guards to watch you while she's gone.

♡She loves you so much that she gave you your own personal hypnotized maid/butler.

♡She knows you wont escape because from the very start you told her that you love her and only her.She trusts you.

♡How does she hypnotize the others?,by singing to them of course!


♡Oh my,oh me,she's a witch alright.

♡She teases you a WHOLE lot know,like even more than she used to.

♡She keeps you by her side while explaining how to get rid of someone,with a illegal and abandoned book in one hand,and a body in the other.

♡Dont worry, Master Jean is already gone,so there's no need to worry.

♡How does she kill people?,by luring them in a dark and abandoned place where no one will hear them scream for help and uses her trusty illegal book to..set a spell on them.Qiute the shocking one too.
(Sorry,not sorry).


I mean,brosky did say that he would take over the

♡Loved the SHIIT out of you,even if you dont like physical touch.

♡If someone tries to take you away from him,their already dead.Your his prized possession,and he will not tolerate any foolish acts from no one!!

♡Yall already know that he watches you in your sleep,with medium blush on his face and small hearts in his eyes.

♡How does he kill people?,tricking them by presenting himself as a 'harmless' guy that wont do anything to them,lure them in a small and quiet place,then stricking almost immediately,enjoying their fear while it lasts.
(Who would want to fight him??,I mean he is the conqueror of the world,so...)


♡So he went from a good Archon to a bad Archon?...nice.

♡He keeps you in your room and only let's you out if you are good,or if you need to go somewhere.

♡He kind of trusts you enough to do so because you willingly gave yourself to him.

♡He was surprised at first because he just killed his own nation,but was extremely happy none the less.

♡How does he kill people??,he sends one of his guards to fetch them and bring them to him,them once they are he begins to ask them some questions,one wrong answer..and they have to go face to face with a meteorite.


♡Dude will literally do anything for you,and I mean anything.

♡Since he lost everything,his friend,his family,ect,at least he didn't lose you,he canr bare the thought of it hence the reason why he keeps you so close to him.

♡He is lowkey head over heels for you,he is completely unstable,he killed,kidnapped,tortured,heck even manipulate,for you.

♡His mind is now nowhere to be found,its like its scattered across the place,only you can find them and put them back together.

♡How does he kill people??,just straight up finds a new victim that is 'threatening your love' as he calls it,and just kills them,no mercy.He also kisses you..alot....


Hope you enjoyed this update.

Have a good day.


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