Chapter 5 - Under Pressure

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Before we knew it, we were leaving for tour. Queen was going to tour America and I couldn't be more proud of what they have accomplished since I became their manager. The tour went quicker than we could process.

"Right boys, it's your last day on tour tomorrow so please get some sleep tonight!" I said to them as they left the arena.

"Will do sweetheart." Roger said with a smirk on his face, I gave him a quick look of "NO" before walking off myself to my hotel. Annoyingly my room is right next to Rogers room, during this tour me and him have gotten very close with each other. I heard a knock at my door, I knew who it was because nobody else other than Roger Taylor would be knocking on my door at this hour.

"Roge this has to stop, you need to get sleep tonight" I said while opening the door.

"But I don't want to stop, I want to be spending time with you, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life." the way he says these things, so sweetly, just because he knows I will give into him. I sighed before closing my door, did I feel bad, yes, but did I also know that he would be really angry tomorrow if he didn't get some sleep, hell yes.

The next morning we had to get to the stadium where Queen were performing, only a couple hours before their performance. Brian was first to show up, that's not surprising, then John again he is normally second. Then weirdly Freddie was next, third place normally goes to Roger. I put this down to it being a one off, however, with not long to go until their performance and still no Roger Taylor in sight we all started to worry a little.

"Does anybody know where Roger is!?" I shouted annoyed, secretly hopping that it wasn't because of what happened last night. Everyone denied knowing where he was, but then Roger walked through the door.

"Roger where have you been! You have an 45 minutes before you need to be on that stage playing the drums in front of a couple thousand people!" I shouted at him clearly pissed off.

"What if I don't want to be on that stage performing today" he said pissed off, which left all of us to be stood there in shock. Roger Taylor, the drummer of one of the most famous Rock and Roll bands ever, not wanting to be on the stage to perform on the last show of his America tour.

"You can't be serious right now Roger! Do you know how much work has been put into this tour! We can't afford to have you guys not performing!"

"Oh really, and how would you know then, not like you do anything anyway." I was so pissed off. How dare he say that.

"Do you know how hard I have to work for you! Do you know how much effort gets put into this! Who do you think arranges all the hotels you sleep luxury nights in, and all the arenas you perform in every day? Who do you think signs all the forms agreeing to life-changing opportunities for the band, you know, such as Top of the Pops and this tour? What do you do while I am suffering long days and nights doing this? Go out drinking with your friends for hours on end for, oh guess what, me to be responsible for your actions towards other people! Do you know what I have missed out on while being your manager! Weddings, birthdays, hell I even missed my own dads funeral to come on this stupid tour with you. So don't give me all the, you do nothing, you don't know anything, because I will have you know Roger Meddows Taylor you have the easy side of the straw, weather you believe so or not!" At the end of it I was defiantly yelling at him.

"Oh shut up! You didn't miss your dads funeral, and even if you did, you clearly didn't love him because you have never been in a bad mood, and guess what, if you missed his funeral you would be in streams of tears!"

All I wanted to do was slap him!

"I have never been in a bad mood because I had to stay in a positive mood for you and the band to be able to get the best out of you. And you on this tour have been one of the only things that would take my mind off it, and put me in a better mood. You. Know. Nothing!

I could see tears forming in his eyes. "Grace i'm so-"

"NO DON'T GIVE ME THAT SHIT ROGER! Now go get ready, you have a show to put on in half an hour." at this point all I wanted to do was lock myself in the bathroom and break down and cry. How could the man who was snogging the hell out of me in the music studio just a few months ago, now be the one making me wish I never met him, never got this job, a job that thousands were dying to get.

I couldn't watch from the wings during their performance, I couldn't bare to see Roger at this point. I ended up wondering about the backstage area before someone came up to me.

"Excuse me shouldn't you be watching your band in the wings right now"

Shit. I guess I have no choice now but to watch them. Just keep your eyes off Roger I kept thinking. I slowly started making my way to the wings, taking as long as I could. I made it and they were still performing.

They finished their song and Freddie shot me a quick wink. I stayed there for the rest of the show tapping my foot along to these song I know to well. Clearly my plan of keeping my eyes off Roger was not working as I kept finding my eyes drifting off to look at the drummer in the back. The very same drummer who had shown nothing but love to me. The very same drummer who today broke my heart, all I wanted to do was forget about it all. I couldn't do that. Because no matter what I wanted to think, or kept telling myself to think, it wasn't true. I love Roger Taylor and there is no denying it, but the hard part is me knowing that I screwed it all up and there is nothing there anymore.

They finished the show, bowed to the audience and made their way to the wings to go backstage. In doing so I found myself locking eyes with the drummer for a moment, before snapping back to reality.

"Congratulations on an amazing show boys!! Now you must get sleep tonight, were flying home tomorrow and if your not downstairs by 9:30 then we will leave without you." I said getting a chuckle from Freddie, Brian and John.

"Please tell me your coming to the after party with us now darling" Freddie said looking at me.

"I don't know about that one Fred" I said, looking at Roger who had a very bitter look on his face.

"Oh ignore that one darling he-" Freddie started but to nobody's surprise he was interrupted by Roger.

"FREDDIE SHE IS NOT YOUR DARLING" he said with one of the most serious looking faces I've ever seen.

"Roge take it easy!" Brian said holding him back before he could physically do anything to him.

"Why does it matter, you screwed everything up with her earlier Roge" John said, which instantly filled me with a sense of guilt.

"It was my fault actually, I completely lashed out on him, and I shouldn't have done that" I said, meeting eyes with Roger.

"No I was in the wrong for what I said about you, really you are an amazing manager and we wouldn't be here today without you." Roger implied with a feeling of guilt to his voice.

"Oh will you two shut up, stop bickering and kiss each other already!"

"FREDDIE MERCURY!" I exclaimed, getting a smile from Roger.

"I wouldn't be complaining" he said locking eyes with me again.

"Fine, I'll come to the afterparty tonight." I said walking off.

"Ouch" I heard Roger say while laughing as I walked off.

"I mean thats one way to reject somebody" laughed Brian, but honestly I didn't care what they thought. I had an afterparty to get ready for and who knows, by the end of the night, we might me so drunk that me and Roger may end up in the same bed tonight.

Was there something there between me and Roger. "I wouldn't be complaining" that's what he said...right? Or did I hear him wrong. No. He defiantly said that.

I made my way to my hotel room and got ready for the afterparty. There was a knock at my door, expecting it to be Freddie I opened it.


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