Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Those days that make me smile and cry at the same time

“Dad. You can’t do this to me.”

“Sorry Nicole but I can.” I cringe. Whenever dad calls me by my full name it means there is no negotiating. I glance over at mum.

“Mum. You can’t let him do this. How do you think I am suppose to survive with a bunch of idiot, immature, bad influence, sick minded guys. And for a whole year...probably even longer. Imagine what they could do to me...I could be raped, they could leave me behind, and they could assault me...they could...” I get cut off mid sentence by Ben, our family friend.

“Seriously Nic. You’re such a drama queen. I am pretty sure I won’t let anything happen to you. Bedsides...all my friends are harmless.” He says.”Although they do come up with good suggestive comments.” He adds under his breath so only I can hear.

“Your friends are pigs.” I say and kick his shin disgustedly. He rubs his shin smirking.

“Nicole.” I wince as I hear my name again. “Is that how we treat our guests?” I start to protest but the look on my dad’s face tells me otherwise.

“I am not going.” I grumble.

“Nicole Delany you will be going whether you like it or not. I don’t want to hear another word.” I sulk defeated and walk to my room. As I pass Ben I stop and punch him in the ribs. He tenses his muscles and I look away trying not to scream out in pain. He smirks and as I pass him he grabs my butt. I flinch and slap his hand.

Dirty pig.

Ben was tall with shaggy blonde hair. He was tanned and had these piercing green eyes. He is very sporty and all the girls go crazy over him and his sick minded friends.

He could be hot if he wasn’t such a pig.

Okay Nic nice try.

He is super hot.

I storm down the hall and slam my door shut. I flop onto my double bed and groan.

My life is totally over.

My parents had known Ben since he was a baby so they trusted him a lot. And when I say a lot I mean enough to send their teenage daughter on some stupid road trip around Australia with him and his idiot friends. Of course he told my parents there would be adult supervision.

Cannot believe they fell for that one. His adult supervision was his two oldest mates who were in their early 20’s. So much for making to my 18th birthday.

I sit up and glance around my room. There are two suitcases lying on the floor. I raise my eyebrows in disgust.

They can get stuffed if they think I am only taking two suitcases.



“Mum can I have some money to go shopping with Cass tomorrow?”

“Look Nic I am not sure if that’s such a good idea.”

“But mum.” I plead. “I am not going to see Cass for like a whole year. And besides I need some new clothes for the trip.”

She thinks for a moment. “Okay you can have an extra two hundred dollars. But nothing else. Your father and I are going to put twenty thousand dollars in your account tonight.”

My eyes widen. “You’re giving me twenty thousand dollars.”

“What.” My father looks like he is about to have a heart attack. “We are giving our 17 year old daughter twenty thousand dollars. Are you insane?”

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