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Hi I guess I'm the author of this new story I've been a casual fan of the fate series and my favorite character is archer:EMYIA but what has always bothered me was he rarely got a good ending because at the end of the day he will be sent back to the counter force after every rout yes he may end up helping his alternate younger selves but he is always fated to suffer and to have to kill. So I thought why not fix that this what if will start right after the ubw rout. After the corrupted grail was "destroyed" in this what if the grail was partially destroyed but it had enough strength to grant one wish. EMIYA right as he was fading accidentally wished out loud something like I wish I could get a do over or something like that ( please whoever sees this leave your sudjestions) and boom he is back in his younger body without being contracted to alya. That is my basic premise I'm probably going to do a bunch of research (aka watch fate again and read the wiki) but please do leave your sudjestions.

(Btw this story takes place in the fate route, I was originally going to do this fic in the technically original fate stay night time line aka the first true time line but there isn't enough info on it just that it is a similar time line to the fate route just that there is no counter guardian emiya in it and there is a different unknown archer servent. so this is basically going to take aspects from both fate and true og rout.)

(P.s archer or shirou will wake up right after he was stabbed by lancer I will make it so that a after affect of his younger body being revived and his soul being placed in it his skin and hair will be tanned and white. Also the first person to comment a suggestion will get to choose who rin will sumon)

 Also the first person to comment a suggestion will get to choose who rin will sumon)

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