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As I look upon the sun setting in the distance, all I can think about is my past no, more like all my failures. From what little I still remember of my past, the past of the foolish and Nieve boy who thought he could save everyone, who thought he could become a Hero of justice. Yet in the end pursuing that dream ended with me arriving in my own hell. If you had asked me if I regretted the path I took a couple of days ago I probably would have said yes but now after fighting with the boy I was reminded of one important thing, the beauty of saving another's life. I now realize that my path was not wrong. Of course I made some terrible decisions along the way, but it is not wrong to want to save someone. As I was preparing to dissipate and to return to my hell I suddenly heard my name being called, it was my previous master and a good friend from my past Rin.

Archer she called out catching her breath from running all the way here archer... she said softly, i didn't know what to say after all i betrayed her to pursue my original goal of erasing my existence but i knew i had to say something, it's unfortunate, but that's how it is. Give up on the grail this time, Rin. *chuckles* This is hardly the time to be laughing! Rin says. My apologies. I couldn't help it, given your state, I was amused that you and I cut such sorry figures, I say. Archer... Make a pact with me again? She asks. No matter how much I wanted to take that offer I knew I would only burden her by having to sustain my existence without the grails help, and I simply couldn't do that to her so I said, I can't do that. I doubt I have that right. Besides, I no longer have a goal. My battle ends here. But... But this means you'll... no matter how much time passes, you'll never be saved, she says, holding back tears. *surprised* Oh, man... Rin... look after me. As you know, I'm a bit hopeless. Give me a shoulder to lean on, I say with a small smile. Archer... she says quietly. Yeah I know. I'll do my best. I'll try my hardest to make sure he doesn't end up a twisted jerk like you, I'm pretty sure he'll try to learn to like himself !, she says in a determined way. So you do the same. I don't think she knew how much this meant to me, to at least know that there was a chance that this version of me wouldn't end up like me made me truly glad. I have my answer. Don't worry, Tohsaka. I'll try my best from now on, too, i say finally allowing my body to disperse into nothing knowing that this version of me had hope for a better future.

Although before dispersing a thought popped into my head ... what if i had know what would happen to me if i continued down the path of a hero would i have continued with that knowledge? or would i have walked a diffrent path?


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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