Chapter 1

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Bell walked out of her room and stretched with a yawn. She walked into the bathroom, coming out a few minutes later with her hair straightened and full makeup on her face. She walked into the living room, looking around at her family who sat around it.
"Morning, sunshine!" Her mom shouted from the kitchen. Bell flopped down beside Armani, who was hardly awake. Beside him was Aaron, his chin sitting in his hand, which was propped on the arm of the couch. Across from them was their step father, reading the day's paper.
"Did Kiara leave yet?" Bell asked. Armani nodded groggily.
"A few minutes ago." Aaron said. Across the room, Griffin chewed on an apple. The family sat in complete silence. Suddenly, Kiara charged through the door, waving a piece of paper around.
"I got a job!" She shouted. She wore a white shirt with a long red coat, black leggings and a pair of brown boots. The kids perked up.
"When do we get on it?" Bell asked.
"In an hour!" The four of them looked at one another and rushed to their rooms, rapidly getting dressed. Armani simply rose and dragged himself to his room. Griffin was the first to return. He wore a grey sleeveless tunic with navy pants and brown boots, with a brown bandolier across his chest. Standing beside Kiara, he was clearly nearly a foot taller than her. Aaron walked out next, wearing a green hoodie with brown baggy pants and boots, his tail lazily twitting between his legs. Armani came out wearing simply a pair of brown leggings and a white tunic, yawning as he took his spot at the door. Another girl walked out from the area the rest had run off to: Luna.
She stretched and looked around with a smile. "Good morning, family." She said with a smile. She wore a purple tunic with black leggings and brown boots. When she stood by her half siblings, it was easy to tell they were related by their faces, yet difficult due to her drastically different hair color. The rest sported blond hair while her hair was a dark purple color. The five siblings took a deep breath together. After a few more minutes, Bell finally joined them, wearing a short white tunic with an orange coat that stopped at her belt. Once the six of them were together, they started out the door.
"You kids be careful!" Their mom shouted.
"Yes ma'am." The kids said monotonously.
"John, say something." Their mother whispered.
John looked up from the newspaper. "Say, what job did you guys take?"
Kiara held it up. "Big monster near the beach. Spider crab or something."
John nodded and looked back at the paper. "Have fun." He said. And with that, the six of them walked out the door together. As they walked down the street, everyone they passed either hurried past them or rolled their eyes as they looked at their sly smiles. Bell extended her hand toward a torch burning on the wall of a tavern, the flames moving and spiraling toward her. They formed a pair of shades and sat smoothly onto her face. Armani flicked his wrist, a shimmering pair of shades made of a dark grey metal appearing in his hand with a resonating "shing" sound. He placed the shades on his face.
"You can't see anything, can you?" Aaron asked.
Armani continued to smile. "Not a thing." He said.

The six siblings looked at the cave in front of them, the ocean peacefully crashing onto the shore behind them.
Kiara looked down at the paper. "Yep, this is the place." She said.
Armani slumped over. "No one will be here to watch us kill it." He said.
Bell laughed. "Well, at least no one can charge us for damages way out here." Armani shrugged and perked up a bit.
"Well, go on." Luna shoved Aaron toward the mouth of the cave.
"Alright, alright. Chill out." He flashed his mellow smile and casually walked into the cave with his hands in his pockets. He looked around for a moment. He turned back to his siblings with a shrug. Suddenly, a giant crab claw came out of nowhere and sliced him in half. Everyone else jumped back, holding their fists out. The spider crab dropped down into view, letting out a roar before skittering off into the cave. Aaron's body faded away into dust.
Bell sighed. "So much for recon." She said. She raised her hand, an orange circle of energy appearing around it. The ashes Aaron had turned into began to writhe and spiral around in a tornado fashion, igniting and quickly spiraling to the ground. Standing in the middle of the dampening fire was Aaron, who cracked his neck and fingers.
"That one kinda hurt." He said with a smile. Everyone else pointed into the cave. Aaron frowned. "But I just came back!" He protested. Griffin walked toward and looked down at his brother. He grabbed Aaron's sides, picked him up, and hurled him into the cave. Aaron rolled down the curved terrain, crashing with a cloud of dust. He looked around. Everywhere he looked was a web-like structure. There was skittering and hissing above him. He shivered. "I hate spiders." He said softly, continuing to look around. He sighed. "What's there to recon anyway?" He asked, placing his fists on his hips. Suddenly, there was a thud behind him, the whole cave trembling. He slowly turned around with bulging eyes and stared into the spider crab's glowing red eyes. The spider crab roared and took a swipe at him, but this time Aaron was able to dodge. "I know your tricks now!" Aaron shouted. But before he touched the ground, another three spider crabs surrounded him. He sighed and slumped over. "Ah, shi-" He was cut off as he was cut in half.
Back at the mouth of the cave, the rest of Aaron's siblings heard him shout something, but weren't able to tell what it was.
"I'm bored." Armani said, standing up from attempting to build a sand castle.
Bell shrugged. "Well, let's go I guess." She began walking into the cave.
"Alright!" Armani shouted, following close behind her. Kiara and Luna followed them in. Griffin rolled his eyes and followed them. Once they had gotten into the large room in the center of the cave, they circled up, looking in every direction.
"Get ready." Bell said.
Armani smirked. "I'm always ready." A flash of flames surrounded him, quickly hardening with his signature ring echoing around the cave. He now wore a full suit of shiny dark grey armor, a pair of broadswords in his hands. He had a winged helmet with an open front, the smirk still adorning his face. Griffin looked around, closing his eyes and allowing himself to use his ears in the darkness. Suddenly, he launched into the air, his arm expanding and a small puff of steam leaving it, punching one of the spider crabs out of the air above them. Kiara launched into the air, a fast and powerful flame shooting from her hands and feet, keeping her in the air as she zoomed around the cave. Luna closed her eyes for a moment, a sly smile spreading across her face. When she opened her eyes, they were yellow reptilian eyes, her once beautiful face now pale and full of razor sharp fangs. Her legs spiraled together to form a snake tail, a forked tongue shooting from her mouth as she hissed. She launched herself into the air and slammed her tail into one of the spider crabs. Armani took off swinging, engaging one of the spider crabs with swords against the creature's claws. He jumped back and then into the air. He bounced off a wall and threw one of his swords at the creature's large abdomen. When the sword sank into the creature's flesh, Armani extended his hand toward it. The sword exploded, leaving a flaming hole in the spider crab's back. The spider crab let out a squealing roar of anguish before skittering after Armani, who created a new sword and sank into a defensive position. Griffin landed next to Bell, punching another one of the creature's away from her.
"You got this?" She asked. Griffin nodded and expanded his other arm with a puff of steam. Bell pointed her hands at Aaron's ashes, the spiraling motion beginning to start up.
Aaron appeared. "-It!" He shouted, looking around. "I have got to work on my return time without you." He said.
Bell shrugged. "Just do something!" Aaron nodded and jumped into action. Kiara blasted down and sent a jet propelled kick into one of the spider crab's legs, splitting it where she struck it. Griffin punched one of the spiders, knocking its head off. One of the crab spider's legs came through Aaron's stomach.
He sighed. "Can't catch a break, huh?" He turned to ash. Armani sliced the creature's head off. Luna used her tail to wrap around one of the monster's necks and her arms to pull herself to the ceiling, decapitating it. She landed beside her siblings, Aaron standing up and clutching his stomach.
"So, we done here?" She asked, her tail splitting into her legs as they shortened back to their normal length.
Armani planted his sword into the ground with a heroic grin. "They're all dead!" He said, raising his fists into the air.
Bell smiled. "That was easy enough." She said, walking out of the cave.
"We didn't even destroy anyone's property this time!" Kiara said with a laugh. There was another squeal behind them, everyone turning around. Armani launched two swords into the sand under the monster and detonated them. The spider crab was scorched from the bottom as it flew through the air. The Fireflies watched as it sailed through the air, landing right on top of a fishing boat that was sailing by. The group slouched over, apart from Armani, who was having a hearty laugh.
He wrapped his arm around Aaron's neck. "How was that for a finisher, huh?" Aaron sighed. The fisherman came up out of the water and shook his fist at them.
Kiara groaned. "And, now he's seen our faces." The group slowly trudged back toward town.

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