19. i'm a mirrorball

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Getting used to the pace for more frequent updates, this is what its probably going to look like from here on out. I have the next chapter in the works, it should be out by Wednesday morning.

I linked banana-gate at the top, just in case you want to watch it again.

This chapter is dedicated to @cascadeoceanwave and @Estesmybestie for beta reading, and @alliecanread for the voting spree! Also, hi to everyone who has joined the party since the album announcement!

lovelovelove - r

April 16th, 2020.

"It's been obvious to her since February, Ken. She says very nice things about me on the internet." Taylor laughed, and Kennedy didn't know how to react.

"Are you stalking her? I thought you had a hands off rule with my friends?" She mumbled, scooting out of the way so Taylor could get on with the shaving lesson.

"She's my favorite local. I keep tabs on all my favorites." She mumbled, sitting on the other side of the tap and turning on the water.

"Does she still text you on her socials?"

Kennedy didn't know why she wasn't mad. The lack of anger was upsetting her more than the fact that Taylor had interacted so much with Caroline. Dad had in the past told her to keep friends and family separate, that anything that tied back to Taylor was inherently bad. Maybe he was wrong?

Just the thought felt dishonorable. Then again, she trusted Taylor more than she trusted him. That had to count for something.

"She used to text me on Twitter pretty regularly. She stopped for a week or two after we came here, but I try not to check those too often."

"Sorry, again. About the park." That must have been why Caroline stopped texting Taylor.

Taylor just shook her head, "Don't worry about it."

Taylor felt like she was moving on autopilot, silently running a razor down her leg following the pattern of the hair as Kennedy did the same. She was stuck on the question Kennedy had asked, stuck on the risks of letting her go, and the risks of keeping her too close.

"Tell me more about Care, babe?"

"Yeah, she's super smart. She's one of the ones that tested into Harper."

"Oh really?"

"She wants to do data science or computer science, something that lets her do trend analysis. She's way smarter than me. But it's fine cause I'm a himbo."

Taylor snapped out of her thoughts in a double take towards the brunette.

"Tall, strong, and pretty, with a big heart and unfailing integrity." Kennedy muttered in a goofy, self deprecating way.

"Sounds like my man."

"Joe in high school, if he were buff back then."

"Ah." Taylor laughed. "She really is a sweet girl."

"She's such a person. It feels like half the time people my age don't act like humans but she's just so rounded out, it's hard not to love her."

"You tried, didn't you?"

Kennedy shrugged. "I locked it all in a box."

Dad would find out sooner or later, if she let Kennedy go to Caroline's. He wouldn't stand for it. There were a million and a half reasons to say no.

How hypocritical would it be if she invited people to fly out and stay with her after telling them to stay home and quarantine? That could blow up in her face, if people found out. She was already pushing it. That morning she'd sent an empty Charter plane across the Atlantic Ocean to pick up a dog.

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