chapter *1

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Hello readers...  Please read when you can avoid grammatical mistakes, otherwise don't bother yourselves.

Samantha's(Sam's) POV

He was coming towards me, closer and closer... My back touching the stand placed behind me, I could no longer step back. He was now standing right in front of me. As he raised his right hand and extended it towards me, my heart started beating so loud that I could ear it clearly. my breath became warm and my knees weakened.

I have never felt like this before, I tightly closed my eyes. Suddenly , I heard clothes rustling. I opened my eyes and saw Ryan wearing his jacket. He was now standing in some distance from me. I then understood he was just reaching for his jacket which was hanging on the stand behind me. I took a deep breath, he wasn't trying to kill me.  

" I'm going out. You can do what you wish" he looked at me " Live here, go anywhere but come back within 7 days, we have to go back to Texas on Monday " he fixed his tie looking into mirror "Have fun Sophia"then he waved his hand and went on the bed.

" Samantha " I corrected.

"What??" he asked wearing his shoes.

"My name is Samantha" I replied giving him his wallet, as He stood up from the bed.

" Oh.... thanks Samantha I'm leaving, Bye. " he slipped through the door and left the room.

Why is this happening to me? Since childhood, my life has been tragic. My mother died when I was 5 years old, my dad married another woman who used to treat me worst than a unwanted pet dog. She never gave me the chance to feel happy.

I was lucky! Being a good student, with good grades, I had the chance to receive scholarships. That helped a lot. And due to my performance, I got accepted in good Universities on scholarships also.

Close to graduation, my senior year, another tragedy occurred. A rich girl thought I was trying to steal her boyfriend from her, so she used her relationships which some headquarters of the school and had my tuition "cut". When this happened, my step mother said she would not pay for my studies because she was already paying my food. So ... ' whatever'. I moved on and started looking for jobs and this time, it was catastrophe. I got a job, but you know what job...., a wife's job. Yeah, I know it sounds crazy but, I'm hired here, as the wife of Mr Anderson's son, Ryan. Don't get me wrong, I'm not any temporary wife who have to live with him for 1-2 years and leave him. I will have to tolerate him the rest of my life. Why? Because even if He was not interested in marriage, Mr Anderson, his dad, wanted a grand son, an heir, to transmit his legacy to. Long story short, I'm here to give, feed and cherish the grand kid he always wanted.

One more thing... Mr Anderson thinks that I can change his son Ryan ' breaking news'

Now you may ask yourselves why I would agree to all this nonsense. The reason is simple, my father is in hospital for his paralysis attack, which is very severe.  I need a good amount of money to be able to take care of the bills and that's impossible for me to do with a small job, with low income. I didn't think anybody would want to hire a girl with unfinished bachelor degree and just and high school diploma.

This is basically how "tragic" my life has been so far. And, honestly, I am not sure what it's going to be from now on.

Ryan's family is in Utah and he handles the business from Texas as 60% of their business is spread there.

He is a very efficient and effective businessman. This is the only reason why his company is one of the top companies of the United States. I have read all these things in a magazine, and if you ask me about his personal life, I would not be able to tell a single thing.

The train of my thoughts stopped on the stoppage named sleep.


The days seemed to go by like years. I don't know anybody in Switzerland; I don't even know the language they speak... There's only a few hours left before we leave this place, which actually is a very beautiful. I haven't seen Ryan since that other night. From day one, there's been a feeling of fear developing in my mind. Fear that if he leaves me here, alone, I would not know what to do, I'd be lost.


Phone rings dragged me out of my thoughts. I picked up the call without checking the caller I'd " Mrs Ryan Anderson..." A polite female voice reached my ears.

" yes "

" I'm Nancy the manager of this hotel you are staying at...I'm calling you to inform you that your husband called and said he is going to pick you up this evening at 6:30pm.... Thank you " she hung up without any expectation of reply.

  How pathetic! My husband doesn't even know my phone number. I felt a bit relaxed that he was coming finally and we were going back to ' Texas'. Oh my god, how could I forget that I would have to live with him there. No way, my life has become hell......

I packed my luggage rapidly. Looking out of the window, I saw a very beautiful garden with "happy looking" couples, enjoying their life, their ' love life'. I sigh sadly, what a way for me to spend a honeymoon! Who is crazy enough to do such a thing? These past 7 days, the only thing I had to pass time, was the sight of these couples all over the place. A knock on door disturbed my thoughts and the view.

I turned to door and made my way to it but it opened by itself. I wasn't sure how, until I saw the person coming in. I first saw a classy, fancy and expensive looking shoe entering the room; I wouldn't even be able to name the brand. I slowly raised  my head to see he was wearing a blue shirt under a grey jacket slowly my gaze reached his face. Cleanly shaven jawline, with lightly wet hair he was looking eye feasting.

"Are you done?" he looked at me intensely " Is your inspection is done or do you need more time to check me out?" he gave me a ' stop looking at me like this ' look.

" mean..I didn't expect you will come so.." I gave him a forced smile

"Yes, I also didn't want to but you are my responsibility so I can't leave you at some strange place like this. After all, you are my wife" 'Wow how sweet of you to remember this Mr Ryanoceros' I thought." Did you pack your bags? We are leaving today " he cleared his throat.

" yes I'm done" I said walking towards my luggage.

"Good! Let's go!" He responded, not even waiting a second to turn back.  "Hotel staff will get your bags. " 'Rich people don't carry their things on their own Samantha!'  he turned his face to the right that he could see If I was behind him, following... was that???? tell me if you have any comment after reading.

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