James & Nadine (Part 3)

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James: ABC

Nadine: Huh?

James: Always Be Careful

Nadine: Ahh, and then?

James: DEFG, Don't Ever Forget Girl

Nadine: Forget that?

James: I'm HI. Happy Inlove

Nadine: So?

James: JKLM, Just Keep Loving Me

Nadine: So how about, NOPQRSTUVWXYZ?

James: (Nag-isip) No Other Person Quite Reasonable Shall Treat U Very Well Xcept me, You'll Zee!

Nadine: E pano ang 1234?

James: There's only "1" way "2" say, this "3" words "4" you, ILOVEYOU!

JaDine ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon