Edward x Reader - Rooftop

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You're walking through the hallway of your new highschool when you bump into a brick wall, your books falling everywhere. "Oh gingersnaps!" You say in frustration, leaning down to pick them up.

While you bend down, you accidentally look up to see that the 'wall' you bumped into was not a wall, and was in fact Edward Cullen, who was hands-down the hottest guy at the school. Faster than the flash himself, he crouches down to pick them up for you. He does so, handing them to you in a neat stack. "Watch where you're going next time, sweetheart." he says with a wink.

You practically melt. You're about to say something back, but in the blink of an eye, he's gone. "Thanks... Edward." You say quietly. You're about to start walking to your next class, when you hear someone say your name.

"Y/N, Y/N. What the hell are you doing here?" Your bully and the school queen bee, Matilda Baker, sneered. "I thought you had left for good... really got my hopes up."

"Oh shut it, Matilda," You say calmly, rolling your eyes ever so slightly.

"Who's gonna make me?" She asked with a smirk.

You try to just walk away, but she stopped you in your tracks. "Who said that I was done talking?"

"Who said that I cared to hear what you had to say?"

"Think you're so smart, huh?" She swung her fist and socked me in the stomach. "You better listen to what I have to say, I don't care if you want to or not. That's rule #1."

You grunt in pain and turn to glare at her. Without saying a word, you race up the staircase to the roof. You decide that, since people think you're weak, you ought to show them what you're worth. "THIS IS MY FIGHT SONG! TAKE BACK MY LIFE SONG! PROVE I'M ALL RIGHT SONG! AND I DON'T REALLY CARE IF NOBODY ELSE BELIEVES.... CAUSE I STILL GOT.. a lot of fight left in me." (all jokes aside that song is a bop)

You hear slow clapping from the other side of the rooftop and see the one and only Edward Cullen. Looking right at you. How did you not see him when you walked up here? "Y/N," he starts, walking towards you smoothly and slowly. 

"You see, I've been meaning to tell you something..."

"What?" You ponder aloud.

"I-... I think that you're my mate... You see, I'm a vampire, and I can tell when I meet my partner for life, and... it's you. It's always been you. If you don't like me, that's fine, but... I just thought you should know."

You smile sweetly. "Thanks," You say, not knowing how to reply to something like that. You turn to leave, to think things over, but a cold hand grabs your wrist. 

"Also," he says, "Will you sit with my family and I at lunch today?" He smiles. Weird. You've never seen him smile like that.

"Sure." You say quickly, too quickly.

He flashes you a half-smile, and walks off, leaving you standing there.



Scurrying down to the first floor of the school, you trip over your feet going down the stairs and drop your books once again. Your heart beating out of your chest from the adrenaline, your breaths choppy and uneven, and your fingers shaky, you lean down to pick them up, hoping that you aren't late.

***Time Skip to Lunch***

After you grab your tray of cafeteria food, you start walking to the table that you always sit at, when you remember Edward's offer. You turn to his table, which isn't too far from the lunch line. You see people staring at you, likely admiring your ankle-length rainbow layered hair, your cat-ear headband, your fursuit paws, your purple tutu and pink glittery crop top, with your golden sandals. 

"Hey, you!" Someone yelled at you. You turned to the voice. It was a boy named James, you recognized him from middle school. "What's with the pink? Dumb baby." He and his friends laughed. 

(A/N: don't take this seriously my friend (author 1) and I are in the fandom but we're writing these as a joke🤭)

my real wattpad acc is @ihatepeople77777

*story again*

You never really understood the humor of teenage boys. Honestly, you ought to be making fun of them, for having lives so empty and uneventful that they needed to push others down to make themselves look more impressive. Pathetic.

"Leave her alone, Josh." Edward Cullen's voice rang through the crowd, silencing everyone. He rarely spoke.

"I-it's James." 

Edward looked at him in disgust, chin up.

"s-sorry. Edward." He mumbled shamefully. 

Edward looked over to you. "Y/N, come here!"

You speedwalk over to him eagerly. "yeah?"

"C'mon, I'll introduce you to everyone." He points to a buff guy with a really small head and a buzzcut. "That's Emmett. He looks mean, but he's just a big teddy bear." (canon bc i said so)

He then pointed to a fine girl with short brown hair and a small nose. "That's Alice, she's really talkative. You can just tune her out." He says, shooting her a glare. She just smiles at you.

He nods to a boy who you can tell whether is ginger or blonde, who looks extremely constipated. "That's Jasper. He doesn't really talk. Don't touch him, he has rabies."

He looks over to a girl with curly strawberry blond hair and big pink lips. "That's Rosalie. She might seem mean, but once you get to know her, she's sweet."

"Hi!" you say to them.

Alice waves at you and Emmett flashes you his teeth. 🦷 

(A/N: off topic but Kristen Stewart with a buzzcut is just *chef's kiss* SHES SO FINE also its kinda giving johanna mason ngl)

You all eat in an awkward silence before Edward grabs your arm and pulls you out of the cafeteria. "I've got to tell you something..." He says uncertainly.

"I'm a vampire." He says once you exit the cafe.

"i know."

"I can read minds."


"Listen, I..."


He takes a deep breath. "I just thought you should know, ehm, I cam't read your mind. Everyone else's."

"Cool. What're they thinking?" You gesture to the cafe doors.

"James... Me. He's thinking about me, hugging him? That's new. Jessica... Dresses. Fashion. Angela... Her book."

"Oh wow."

"Me..." he continues, looking over to you slowly. "You. About the crush I have on you."

I smile. "Want to know what I'm thinking about?"


"You. About the crush I have on you."

He smiles that shit-eating grin again.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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