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THE INTERACTION BETWEEN THE professor Leone and I had me overwhelmed with annoyance and anger. I almost got into trouble with my business professor last year when I voiced my opinion so I couldn't afford to take any chances this time around.

Keeping my mouth shut in situations where my patience was being tested had to be one of the most difficult things I've ever experienced. My issue was that I couldn't remain quiet. If I felt like I was being attacked in any way, shape or form I'd immediately react.

Unfortunately that was one of my many flaws I'd been working on.

I hastily made my way towards the car with an obvious scowl plastered on my face. You've already got two strikes with me and I've only been here for a week.

Those words replayed in my head, the sound of his voice was so harmonious — a huge contrast to the pure nonsense he spewed. Something about our conversation didn't sit right with me.

How did he even see me when I discreetly placed my essay into that God forsaken tray? His back was turned towards me and thinking about it now made the whole ordeal irritate me.

Did he perhaps have a sixth sense that nobody was aware of? Nevertheless, the man made it extremely clear that I was obviously on thin ice. What an amazing first impression from my end.

Not that I really cared. "Someone's upset." Vanessa muttered as I approached my vehicle. I rolled my eyes, aggressively tugging my tote bag off my shoulder so I could retrieve the car keys inside of it.

"Now's not the time missy." I said whilst rummaging through my bag that was currently filled with useless papers, feminine hygiene products, cash and lip gloss. "And don't think I'll forget the fact that you left me alone with that man."

Though I couldn't deny the noticeable tension in the room, at one point I was extremely close to passing out. The air had become extremely thick — almost suffocating me in the process.

"What did you expect me to do Aaliyah? I wasn't going to stick around. I'm not keen on being targeted by him." I clicked the button on the remote and unlocked the doors.

Between Vanessa and I, she was most definitely the better driver. With her sleek bright red Audi, the woman could easily cruise through town but preferred being the passenger princess. "Wow, so it's like that huh?"

She flipped her long wavy chestnut hair over her shoulder and chuckled softly. "That man scares me, I mean he's so fucking sexy but I just know he doesn't take insubordination lightly."

I coughed loudly, which turned into laughter because both comments concerned me. "For the love of God, I'm not an insubordinate. I didn't even do anything, there were just a few missing sentences from my essay."

Once both of us were seated in the vehicle, I pushed the button next to the steering wheel and the engine hummed to life. "That means you didn't follow his instructions. He specifically said that our assignments should've been on his desk at nine a.m. Not a minute later."

"Who's side are you on?" I stepped on the gas and carefully drove out of the parking area, in that moment a space grey BMW M8 swerved in front of me. Luckily I've always been observant and could break way before the time to prevent any accidents.

Sadistic | 18+Where stories live. Discover now