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Things I want you, the reader, to know before you dive deep into my mind.

First, I did not read Twilight, I was only forced to watch the movies last week, and I could not stop thinking about this since then. However, I am going to read the books as soon as I have enough money to burn to buy them. Secondly, I made the story fit certain standards so you, the reader, could enjoy it as much as I did. The female character does not have a name, and I barely described her, so you could fit in a character of your choice, or maybe even yourself. But I refused to do this stupid Y/N thing because I find it annoying. Our male hero in this story is Aro, in my opinion the most fantastic vampire of the series (I am happy to discuss this subject with you in the comments, I have a lot of arguments prepared).
Nevertheless, the story is written in a way that you can fit any vampire you want into it. You just have to ignore the three (or four) times I mention his name. Lastly, the story is very vague about place and time and gives hardly any details. I did this so it would not collide with the series and not offend any hardcore fans. Also, I'm not particularly eager to rewrite whole books (that I haven't read) just to fit around some story.
I thank you for your patience and wish you enjoyable next minutes while you read my masterpiece.

Darkness lay like a blanket over the small village right outside of London. A cold wind made the trees shiver, and the day's rain had left puddles on the streets. The orange light of the street lamps got almost entirely swallowed by the surrounding buildings.
Therefore none of the villagers, most of them were already asleep anyway, noticed the human-like figure that was pacing down the main road. It was headed towards one of the last buildings, a shabby and dilapidated cottage, which looked like no one could possibly live there. The door creaked as the figure opened it carefully. The inside was a single room, dimly lit by a lonely candle on top of a table. The light got reflected by the pale and flawless skin of the man, who had just entered the house. His gaze wandered around, searching for what he had come for. His lips formed a mischievous smile as he spotted the object of his desire.
Hidden behind the table, in the far corner of the room, stood a bed, and there she lay, curled up like a cat in the sunlight, only covered by a thin blanket. She looked thin, way too thin for his taste. Her skin was as pale as the moonlight but decorated with small brown spots. Oh, how he adored those freckles. He used to count them back when things were different. Her hair was still the same colour as he remembered. However, it was slightly shorter. It barely reached her chin, and half of it was hidden beneath a scarf she had wrapped around her head and neck. His scarf.
He had gifted her his scarf when they had first met, almost one and a half years ago. Nearly frozen to death, he had found her, hiding behind a church. She was waiting for the Holy Mass to be over to seek shelter inside. He had invited her in for a hot meal and a drink; well, she had had a hot meal and a drink. Back then, he would have never guessed that he would develop such strong feelings toward this woman. Slowly he rounded the table and got closer to the bed.
He smiled, and his red eyes rested on her face. Humans looked so peaceful when they were sleeping. Like little safes, hiding all their stories and secrets from the world and from him.
He softly stroked her cheek and cleared his throat. She shuddered but continued sleeping. Again he coughed, this time a bit louder. She blinked and yawned, and then her eyes opened, and her gaze wandered up his body to meet his. Her eyes suddenly flung open so he could see the white in them. She gasped and looked shocked, then angry, then sad. She opened and closed her mouth as if she was trying to say something, but nothing but a whimper escaped her lips.
"You!" she stammered angrily while sitting up. "You Bastard! What the hell are you doing here?"
He looked baffled. "That was not exactly the reaction I expected when I came here", he muttered.
"Well... How did you expect me to react? Should I be happy to see you again? Should I welcome you with open arms because I missed you so much? Should I cry because I am so delighted that you came back?"
"That would be a start", the vampire smirked.
"Stop enjoying this, you arse", the woman cried. "You left me! You left me and didn't bother to tell me where you were going or what you were doing or if you would ever come back!"
"But I was only gone for a..."
"For a year! Aro, You were gone for a bloody year! A year might just be a blink of an eye in your life, but in mine, a hell lot of things can happen during this time."
She was now sobbing, and tears were running down her face. The vampire looked shocked. He wanted to comfort her, but right now, his mind wasn't capable of giving any instructions to either his mouth or limbs. Seeing the woman of his dreams crying uncontrollably because someone had hurt her, because he had hurt her, was worse than any punishment he could think of. And the worst part was that he hadn't realized that he had hurt her.
"You entered my life at one of its darkest points. You helped me gain strength and hope. You saved me from my doom. I was so sure that I had finally found someone to give my life some purpose. And then you left. No 'goodbye', no message. Did you really think that I would just sit around and wait for my hero to return and take me with him? Once I had realized that you weren't coming back, I tried to move on... I had to. Otherwise, I would have ended up on the streets again, or probably even worse."
She looked at him expectantly. Her eyes were still red and swollen, but she had stopped crying, and the angry look on her face had faded. Aro returned her gaze. His expression showed nothing but regret.
"My Darling", he whispered, "I am more than sorry that you had to endure all this because of me. I feel nothing but shame and regret, and I hope that one day you will be able to forgive me, even though I will never be able to forgive myself." He carefully took her hands between his. "I know that I must bare the consequences of my own thoughtless and ruthless actions. You may hate me, I deserve this, but I want you to know that you will always be loved by me."
"I don't hate you. I tried to, believe me, but I couldn't. It would have made everything so much easier if I could have just hated you," she chuckled and pursed her lips. "Instead, I missed you. Every single day I told myself that eventually, you would come back. Silly, isn't it?"
"I missed you too."
"Than, why did you leave me?"
"My Darling, don't you understand?" Aro smirked. "My love for you is more endless than the life I am trapped in seems to be. I could barely resist you anymore, let alone risk that something might happen to you. Every time I wasn't with you, I feared that someone might hurt you, and every moment I shared with you. I was worried that I would be the one to hurt you. My love, even I couldn't bend the rules for much longer. You knew about me, about what I was and what I was doing to people to survive. But still, you filled my heart with beauty and love, something I thought could never be done. However, if my brothers had found out about you knowing our secret... I don't even want to think about the consequences. Therefore I had to go. I am deeply sorry about that." He sighed and gazed at the woman in front of him. The latter smiled seductively and moved closer to him. Her lips were now right beside his ear.
"You didn't need to go", she whispered. Aro smirked, sensing what she was about to suggest. "You could have just asked me the question, and I would have said yes."

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