Chapter two

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The pain I was going through was deserved. I was an asshole to Chay and I knew I didn't deserve him. Seeing him change so much after what I did to him made me feel like the biggest asshole. He suddenly changed and It was entirely my fault.

I was grateful the music department gave him a second chance after I talked with them. He was coming today and I needed to see him.

I waited around for him to finish his interview and just when I spotted him coming out, I approached him. He was surprised upon seeing me and that was to be expected. I messed up and I am going to make things right.

"We need to talk Chay," I said, and before he could decline I grabbed him by the hand and exited the building.

"What are you doing P'Kim? You don't have any right to do this. Let go of me right now," he yelled but I wasn't going to back out now.

We made our way to my car and I opened the passenger door. "Get in Chay," I say calmly and he was glaring at me.

"There's no way I'm going anywhere with you P'Kim," he responds not making any attempt to sit in.

I sighed before speaking again. "Come on Chay, I promise I wouldn't take much of your time, I only want to talk to you. Please?" I begged and he finally yielded. He sat in the car buckling up his seat belt. I got in too and drove off.

It was a quiet ride as none of us spoke a word. I drove to my apartment and parked. "Come out Chay," I say as I opened the door for him. He didn't refuse this time and came out.

Finally, inside the apartment, I ushered him to sit. I sat across from him and looked at him carefully. It's been a long time since I had seen his cute face. I missed him.

"Say whatever you have to say and let me go," he looks away from me.

"First of all Chay, I am sorry for what I did to you, I was a complete asshole who didn't know what he wanted. I took your love for granted. I regret my actions so much, Chay. You changed completely after what I did to you and you have no idea how much it eats me up every day and night."

"Why are you telling me this P'Kim? It's not like I want to hear any of it. You hurt me so much when I did you no wrong. You saw me as a child you could easily manipulate at your whim, get what you want from me and just dump me and disappear right? You are very heartless and I hate seeing your face right now." he said almost in tears and it was breaking my heart to see him this way.

"Chay, I am sorry. You could get up and hit me all you want and I promise I will take it all. But please can you forgive me?"

"Forgive you? You've got to be kidding me P'Kim. After what you did? I did not offend you in any way and you heartlessly hurt me this much? Even when I told you I loved you, you never gave me a response because you never did. I was such a naive kid and you're a bad adult," he yelled at me as he walked towards me, hitting me countless times on my chest. I stayed still for him to do just that.

After he calmed down, I held him close to me and he finally looked at me. "I want to know one thing P' Kim, were you at the warehouse that day I was kidnapped?" He asked and I honestly wasn't expecting that. I looked at him without saying a word.

"Why are you quiet? Tell me the truth. Your older brother told me already but I want to hear it from you. Were you at the warehouse?" he asked again and I sighed.

"Yes I was" You were kidnapped and so I had to do everything within my power to get you back, I said caressing his cheeks. I could never let them get away with it, I replied.

"How about the day at P' Yok's bar? I was done with my game and turned around to see dead bodies all over. I rushed outside and I saw you leaving. I saw your back but I knew you too well to not recognize you, he finished and I was wide-eyed. Did he see me?

"Chay, I want you to know one thing. As long as am around, nobody can ever hurt you. Anybody who wants to harm you, will have to get through me first, I said to him and he was looking at me with a frown.

I couldn't help but admire him. He looks pretty even when he frowned. "Let go of me now P'Kim, he said and I realized I was holding him tightly all this while.

"Can we stay like this for a little bit, Chay?"

"No, we can't. I'm still mad and haven't forgiven you, so you don't have any right to hold me, he replied and I must say that hurts. I finally let go of him.

"You are a complicated person P'Kim. It's like nobody can see through you. I can't even read you. You confuse me with your every action. You save me today and then tomorrow, you dump me. I really can't understand you," he said and I knew that was the truth.

"I could be a better person to you Chay. Can I get another chance to make things right? Let's get together again." I asked and he went wide-eyed.

"Get together again? I don't think so. I'm too young to experience another heartbreak."

He thought I was going to break his heart again. I need to take things slow with him so I can win his trust back. "Okay, Chay, let's do this. How about you give me a chance to make up for my mistakes? Let me try to win your trust back. I only need you to not avoid me again."

He was silent for a while as if he was carefully thinking about what to say.
"I can do that but let me tell you honestly P'Kim, getting my forgiveness is not going to be easy," he replied with a serious face which made me smile to myself. He was really cute.

I don't care how difficult it's going to be, I will win you back, I replied and he rolled his eyes. "But can you unblock my number now? He frowned as he heard me say this.

"I already did. What's the use of blocking you anyways? I live in the main house and it's not like I could avoid you forever."

It was my turn to be surprised. He already unblocked me, that's a good start.

"Go drop me off," he announced and it was more like an order but I don't care. I could do anything he wants now.

"As you wish, sir," I replied playfully and we made our way out.

Sorry, it took a while to update this book. I had a little block with it but it's back now and I hope you guys enjoy it.

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