Prologue: The Curious Case Of Ash

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Disclaimer: You know Harry Potter? Yeah, not mine. Sadly neither are any of the characters from the series. Tiny bits of dialogue are used from the book in order to help let you guys with the timeline.

Harry James Potter was no stranger to mysteries.

The first eleven years of his life were full of them, and sometime between the twelfth and sixteenth incident where he was grabbed by the ear and told through gritted teeth to 'not. ask. questions.', Harry simply resigned himself to the fact that some things were just never meant to be uncovered.

The four years that followed were.. also filled with mysteries. Some harder to solve than others, but it all depended on how likely they were to get him killed by finals, really.

And despite his initial plan to begin discovering everything he possibly could about his late parents the moment he stepped foot into their old school, he found that dealing with multiple teachers attempting to murder him, a petrifying ancient monster on the loose, an escaped convict, and a deathly tournament, had unfortunately taken up most of his free time.

So he had to make do with things like Hagrid's gifted photo album, the occasional 'you look just like your father..', and the rare story from a reminiscing teacher.

Perhaps that was enough. It was enough, at least, for him to vaguely recognize the shadow of the woman who held Mcgonagall's arm for support as she stepped into the kitchen of number 12 Grimmauld Place.

She had been another mystery. One that he had learned not to ask about too much from every wince and faraway look he received in reply..

September 1991, Start of First Year:

The first time Harry heard her name, he'd been a tiny eleven year old who'd just finished the first quidditch practice of his life.

Sweating and panting, his feet hit the ground and he tried not to feel too sad that it was over already.

Clearly, the sentiment was not shared by the others, who joined him on the way to the changing rooms, cursing and grumbling at an unfazed Wood for his crippling 'welcome back' practice.

"No really, Wood," George began, massaging his biceps with a wince. "Let's go another hour! I'm sure there's a muscle I haven't pulled yet!"

"Oh, be quiet," Wood replied, panting but looking like the cat that caught the canary. "We might actually have a chance at the cup this year! Harry's almost as good as Charlie was, maybe even Sinclair!"

Seeing the confusion on Harry's face, Angelina fell into step beside him to explain, "Charlie Weasley was our old seeker, and we haven't won a cup since he left, the traitor. He was excellent, though, could've gone professional.. but last I heard he's working with dragons in Romania."

Harry hummed politely, already knowing all that from Ron. If anything this only cemented in his brain that the Weasleys were the coolest family in existence.

"Now Sinclair-" Angelina went to continue but was cut off by Alicia, who squealed and swung an arm around Harry's shoulders.

"-was only the greatest seeker in the history of Hogwarts, yes." Alicia swooned.

"She was really good-" Angelina attempted to continue, but Alicia was having non of it.

"An absolute legend." She told him seriously, "They say there wasn't a single match she didn't catch the snitch in."


"-even when they lost the game, she always caught the snitch."

"We on about Sinclair again, Al?" Fred called out, falling into step beside them with George. "Thought you ran out of poor people to harass with your girl crush?"

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