Chapter{4}: Operation Wolfstar

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"So we can't just nick the bloody thing off the shelf and keep it safe here?" Thalia asked, lounging back in her chair, as she suffered through the following day's Order meeting. They had just finished discussing the next week's prophecy guarding rotation.

"Only the people referred to in the prophecy can lift it off the shelf, so no, unfortunately." Hestia explained.

"And that's either Harry.. or Lord Voldemort, no?" Thalia questioned again ignoring the shudders.


"So you're telling me.. that whoever it is that's guarding the prophecy at the time, would be capable of single handedly taking on Voldy when he shows up?" Thalia raised an eyebrow.

"Would be capable," Arthur cut in, "of alerting the others and Dumbledore, to show up, hopefully in time."

"Hopefully? So it's a bloody suicide mission?"

Mrs Weasley let out a distressed sound, and got up to make more tea. Remus nudged Thalia in the side roughly, which she dutifully ignored.

"Think you got a better plan, Sinclair?" Moody growled.

"I have an idea, but it might take some time." Thalia began. "What about a map-"

Sirius and Remus perked up.

"-of the ministry, a few tracking charms, a few identification charms-"

"To locate everyone at the ministry at all times." Sirius continued, catching her drift.

"It could even help let us know if anyone's on polyjuice-" Remus took over.

"-or an unregistered animagus-" Thalia added.


"Alright, hold on" Tonks interrupted looking amused, "Merlin, that was terrifying, but listen, do we even know if any of this is doable?"

"And the spell work would be incredibly challenging if not impossible.." Kingsley said.

"Despite my fascination with the idea, I too, must agree, I don't think any of us can walk around sketching the layout either." Arthur told them.

"No," Thalia agreed with Arthur. "But there must be blueprints or uh- floorplans somewhere, no?" she glanced at Mad-Eye who looked deep in thought.

"Yes.. yes, oh yes, that could work." Moody muttered and turned to her. "There are floorplans of the ministry, traditionally kept in Fudge's office, for his eyes alone."

Most of the others slumped back in defeat, but Thalia's brain was going a mile a minute.

"I can do it." she decided finally, and Remus face palmed.

"Ash.." he began, but she cut him off.

"No, no, listen, I have that Order of Merlin thing that the ministry's been bugging me with-"

"Oh, yes. Fudge is trying to remind the people of the old 'war heroes' to really drive home that it's all a thing of the past now." Hestia explained darkly.

"Oh, fun." Thalia scoffed, "but, if something forces Fudge out of his office for just a minute, I reckon I could grab it."

Murmurs erupted around the room.

"And what about the spells? Have you done them before?" reminded Bill.

"Yes." all three marauders replied.

"We were fourteen, I believe." Remus scratched his chin, and Thalia couldn't help noticing he looked very ill. She made a note of checking the lunar cycle chart once they were done.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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