Chapter 7: The Asking

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I was a bit offended by Draco's comment but I wouldn't let that show. I kept the same face even after he said that. After a bit, Tori was too drunk to talk and slurring her words so I brought her upstairs. Even I was a bit tired so I went to bed. 

The next morning Pansy was shaking me awake "Ahhhhh. Oh my god! Did you hear? Did you hear?" She said excitedly "How would I hear? I've been asleep?" Pansy rolled her eyes "Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape are asking for all the Gryffindors and Slytherins on the Seventh Floor, in 10 minutes, but the best part is we can miss classes and wear whatever we want." I nodded and went to my closet to find something to wear while Pansy was running around snorting like a warthog. I ended up wearing this:

 I ended up wearing this:

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(Imagine something all one colo(u)r. Xoxo)

Most people had left to go to the Seventh Floor. At first, I was worried I might be behind but that didn't seem to be much of a problem because I still had a minute. I opened the door to find everyone. I mean everyone- all the Gryffindors and Slytherins were sitting down and staring at me.

"Ahh right on time, I see Miss Potter." Snape sneered

"Yes, as you can see." I replied just as 'kindly' as he did

I sat beside Hermione because I didn't feel like sitting next to the Slytherin girls.

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night we and our guests gather in the great hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity," Professor McGonagall paused and looked around "As representatives of the host's school I expect every one of you to put your best foot forward and I mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost a dance." 

All the girls gasped and Hermione looked at me with her eyes wide, while the boys groaned. "Silence," Snape yelled and everyone shut up quite quickly

Professor McGonagall continued "The house of Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin have commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries, I will not have you in the cost of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons." 

I heard Fred and George whisper something to each other.

"To dance is to let the body breathe, Mr. Weasley will you join me please?" She held out her hand and he grabbed it awkwardly. "Now place your right hand on my waist." I tried my best to hold in my laughter but I had no idea how long I could do that for "Where?" Ron asked. "My waist." She responded. A few people whistled and I couldn't help but let out a giggle. 

To my uttermost horror, Snape came up to me and asked "Miss Potter, join me please." I felt like throwing up but I did as he asked and we danced. I was very traumatized. 

Everyone was talking about their dates and who they wanted to take, I had no idea who I wanted to take so I would just wait for someone to ask me. That they did. About 20 guys asked me in an hour and I told them all I would think about it. I could go with almost any boy I wanted. They all seemed to think I was beautiful.

As expected every Slytherin girl was praying that Malfoy would ask them. I truly hoped he would end up going alone, to deflate his ego, becuase quite frankly I was concerned, it's bigger than Jupiter. 

"Hey Elizabeth," I turned around to find the guy I had been praying would ask me to go to the yule ball with him. "Would you want to come to the yule ball with me?" He asked and I nodded and smiled. 

My head was spinning, I didn't think he would ask me. He didn't even know I existed, until now I guess.

I can't wait to go to the yule ball with...

A/N: So me being me had no idea how to end the chapter so I ended it with a sort of cliffhanger becuase I have no idea who I want Liz to go to the ball with. Oh well I figure it out; in the meantime I'll be scrolling through Pinterest trying to find a decent dress for the yule ball. Thanks for reading.

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