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Danielle and I have been back in London for quite awhile now. Maybe a good six months. And, it's been pretty well, if I may add. I haven't been depressed like I was back when the arse cheated on me. I guess I finally accepted that I needed to move on with my life, instead of dwelling on it.

Hell, I even got a job now. I got a part time job working down at the coffee shop. It's the one where Liam took me to first meet Danielle. I got to be honest, it's a good job, and pays fairly well. But, I do plan on maybe finding somewhere new to pursue an actual career.

When I woke up, I realized I had to head off to the coffee shop for my morning shift. After quickly going through the process of getting prepared and ready in my little café attire, I grabbed the keys to my car and headed outside.

Danielle was still working as a model, and dancing for and with other celebrities. She was even teaching other little kids that wanted to grow up to be a dancer. Danielle had a little dance studio and everything, where her dance lesson sessions were held.

The drive to the coffee shop took a good twenty minutes, and on the way there I decided to listen to some music on the radio.

'And next, here's One Direction!' the radio host said on the radio as Best Song Ever started to play.

"Oh, great." I said with a small sigh, listening to each of the boys sing. Yes, it still hurt a little hearing Louis' voice. Of course it did. Louis and I always had a connection, and that's something that just can't change.

When Louis' solo came on, I raised one of my hands, quickly shutting off the radio. "Okay, so maybe music isn't the best option." I muttered to myself.

So, the entire ride was filled with silence after that moment. I drove to the shop, and once I finally arrived, I parked my Honda around the back of the building, where all workers parked.

Shutting off the engine, I headed inside and walked into the employee room. "Hey, Avery!" One of my co-workers, Ari, said with a smile.

Ari has come to be one of my close friends here at work. We usually always end up having the same shifts. It's rare when we don't. I guess one of the plus sides to working at this café was that I made a new friend.

"Hey, Ari." I responded with a smile, setting up the fresh cups on the counter by the coffee machines.

Oh! Remember Claudia? Yeah, she works here now, too. Niall and her are going pretty strong with their long distance relationship, and I'm surprised they've kept it going. It can be quite hard.

Claudia walked in through the backdoor, in her work outfit as well as the rest of us. "Hey!"

Ari and I waved over at Claudia, both having smiles on our faces. Claudia quit her job back at McDonalds a month before I came home from the tour. We've hung out frequently with Danielle, and now that we have Ari, we have another friend to hang with. Honestly, life was good.

"We've opening in 10!" Our manager said as she walked in through the door. "Hello, girls."

Our manager's name was Carly, and she was pretty great, too. She wasn't strict or hard on her employees, so that was definitely a bonus.

"Avery, you look like you're in a cheerful mood today." Claudia chuckled, wiping down the counters next beside me. I smiled, nodding. "Well, I guess it's safe to say I'm not sad anymore."

"Aw, good!" She cheered, leaning over and placing a kiss on my cheek, causing me to laugh. One of the things I loved about Claudia was that she was very energetic, and outgoing. She wasn't afraid to put her mind out to others, and that was definitely something to be proud of.

One thing I learned about recovering from break ups, is that being around friends was always the best treatment to being happy again. Ask Danielle, I would sometimes not come out of my room for a few days, refusing to eat. I was a complete utter mess.

Do I still love him? Of course. I can truthfully say he was my first love, but he definitely wouldn't be my last; I'm only 19, almost 20.

I guess there's this old saying; If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it's meant to be. If not, just let it be.

Yes, Louis cheated. But if there's some possible way on this Earth that I forgive him and give him another chance, then so be it, y'know? But if not, I guess it's just not meant to be. And I've learned to accept that. Whatever happens, happens. Fate will guide me in the right direction, no matter how long it may take for me to find my destination.

"So, have you been looking at any guys, lately?" Ari asked, waggling her eyebrows over at me as she flipped the 'closed' sign to 'open'.

I felt my cheeks heat up, looking down at the ground, suddenly becoming interested in my boring old work shoes. "Maybe, maybe not."

"Oohh, who is he?" Claudia chirped, a smirk playing her face just as well as Ari's.

"Guys!" I laughed, covering my face from embarrassment.

"Well, at least you're finally getting over L-" Ari started to speak, until a little bell dinged from the door, indicating someone had walked in.

I scrambled around the counter for a notepad, not even bothering to see who walked in.

"What can I get you?" I asked, grabbing a pen and looking down at the paper.

"Caramel latte, please." The familiar British accent rung in my ears, and my eyes widened, looking up to see the customer.


Cliffhanger oops. Who do you think it is?
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