// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖 //

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hiraeth - part five


       Y/n stared up at the dark ceiling, unable to sleep. She looked down to the floor, where Gohan soundly slept. She was a little jealous of his ability to sleep even in uncomfortable places. She sighed, pulling the warm blankets that smelled of Gohan up. Quietly stepping over him, she opened the door to the main part of the house. Slowly shutting it, she made her way over to the sink.

Usually when she couldn't sleep, she'd eat as many snacks as her stomach could handle. The heaviness would make her sleepy, but tonight she didn't have that. Grabbing a glass out of a cabinet, Y/n filled it up with water, drinking as much as she could.

"Wow, you were really thirsty, huh?" A voice suddenly spoke up, startling the girl. It was past midnight, who in the world would be up that late besides Y/n!? Whipping her head around, she spotted Goku, who simply wore a pair of boxers, making her blush madly. Not to mention how ripped he looked, all his muscles bulging even when he was relaxed. She had to look away, swallowing the water in her mouth.

"N-Not really, I just need something in my stomach." She said. Goku hummed, opening the fridge and pulling out a plate full of cake.

"Here, you can eat this." Goku handed them to her. Y/n looked down at it in surprise, slowly taking them.

"Oh, thank you... Um, why are you up this late though?" Y/n asked. Goku shrugged, sitting down at the dining table.

"I couldn't sleep." He said. Which was the truth, just not the whole thing. He couldn't sleep knowing Y/n was on the other side of his bedroom wall. It twisted his stomach up just thinking about it, and he couldn't sleep through it. Then he heard somebody get up, and have even felt her energy to see if it was Y/n.

Y/n nodded, sitting down across from him, digging into the cake. Hopefully she'd be able to sleep after this, she needed it. Goku watched with a smile as Y/n stuffed her face, making her raise a brow.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked. Goku chuckled, grabbing a piece for himself.

"You look pretty cute, you know? Even when your face is full of food." He said. Y/n blushed, her face turning a deep red. "He's just being nice," Y/n told herself. "There is no way a married man just flirted with me."

Finishing his piece, Goku stood up, Y/n having to look away as his crotch was at her eye level. Pushing his chair in, Goku bid Y/n goodnight, walking into his room. Y/n stared down at the cake in her hand, suddenly losing her appetite as her stomach began to tingle. She felt dizzy and sick, quickly deciding that it was time for bed for her as well.

After that, Y/n could barely sleep at all. Even when she did fall asleep, it was so light that she didn't even have any visions, and the slightest sound like Gohan tossing and turning woke her up. Y/n yawned as she made her way into the main room, where the Son family was already awake and eating breakfast.

Through the chaos of the three boys eating, Chi-Chi noticed Y/n approaching and smiled. She waved for Y/n to join, standing up to go retrieve a plate of pancakes she saved for Y/n. Y/n smiled and thanked the woman as she sat in between Gohan and Goten.

"You sure sleep a lot, it's almost time for school already." Gohan said, his mouth stuffed as he continued to shovel more food in.

"W-What!? You could've woken me up, I'm sorry..." Y/n apologized, quickly eating her food.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now