Part 3 - Creamers v.s. Naku p2

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The Cream Team got into their battle formation. However since Kmart didn't get any powers, he sat aside and decided to watch the battle.
"Yay u go guys!!! woooooooo!!!!!! YEA KILL THAT BASTARD."
"Maybe we shouldn't fight near the house, it might blow up." Quinn suggested, but Naku sent a flying beam at him.
"Shut the hell up." Naku began using everything on his might to fight against the Creamers.
Louzi used his heat vision to burn Naku, but he dodged. Naku averted his attention to Kiwi and began firing pin missiles at her.
She dodged (😎) and spat a fire hose worth of water at Naku. It launched him back but it didn't do much. Quinn kamehameha'd Naku and sent him into the ground, eating dirt.
Kmart came back and had the 🥺 face.
"Guys.. I set the house on fire.. I was trying to cook some popcorn and it exploded and now the house is burning..." he explained.
Just as the house was burning, Tyme just arrived home from the gay (buttplug) bar.
"My house!!!! Again!!!!!! Noooo!!!!!!!!"
"Tyme you don't even play rent stfu 🙄🙄" Kmart said.
Naku began to giggle while listening to their conversation.
"What the hell is so funny?" Louzi asked.
Naku pulled a button out of his ass,
"I had a magic penny behind my ear and I'm sending you all the fun land." Naku pressed the button.
"WHAT." Ttut yelled as the ground began to shake.
Grabbing them from the ground, and encapsulating them like a cage, the creamers + Naku are in a spacecraft.
"Are we in a spaceship? Are we going to space?????" Kiwi questioned.
Naku giggled, slowing turning to the creamers,
"Indeed, indeed we are creamers. I'm going to destroy your all's most prized procession .. the world-"
"Shut the fuck up." Quinn interrupted.
"Distasteful" Ttut.
"I don't even care if u blow up the world just lemme get my dog." Kiwi said.
((Tyme and Kmart are here I forgot to mention))
Slowly starting to lift off, the Creamers are launched into space.

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