Part 4 ~ Creamers in Space!!

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Now in the cosmos, the creamers have entered NakuWorld™️, a theme park themed around Naku.
"How the hell did he build this all while he was trapped in a cage?" Kmart questioned.
"In space to beat it all," Louzi added.
Over some speakers, Naku could be heard,
"Silly Creamers, did you forget about the millions of nakudroids that you forgot about that killed your fellow precreamer Venus?"
"We hate him, he deserved it tbh 🙄🙄" Kiwi said.
"They're the ones who did this. They built this while I was away. You stupid little creamers are forgetful as always!"
"Shut up!!!!! Gawd damn!!!!!!" Quinn yelled.
"I hope you guys get comfortable in here, it'll be a few days before the beam to destroy the earth is ready and charged. Happy travels." His voice faded from the speakers, and with that he was gone.
The Creamers are now wondering what next to do.
"I guess we should find Naku and kill him" Ttut suggested
"Brilliant idea!!! I very much agree even though I and Kmart have no super powers!" Tyme said.
"Fr y'all better save us if something happens 😒😒" Kmart sighed.
And so the creamers are off, to find Naku and save the world!!!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!!1!!!!!!!!1!1!1!!1!1!

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