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If anyone comes back from the dead , don't trust them or you might end up being the dead one.

2022 October 5th Wednesday.

October was lots of people's favorite holiday. But not yin's , he hates October. He was the only house not decorated for Halloween.

He lives alone. He especially hates today. He used to live with his lover war. But something tragic happened last year on the 5th of October.

Yin and war always loved Halloween it was their favorite holiday. They used to have so much fun scaring each other and decorating and dressing up. They always used to give out candy for the kids every Year.

Last year on the 5th of October yin and war was in a car crush. Only yin survived it. He was heart broken , he loved war so much. They dated for about 2 years. Yin stayed in bed for months. He didn't get out to eat , drink or nothing.

Luckily yins mother always stopped by and bring him food and drinks.

She still stops by everyday to check on war. He's doing better now but he still misses war more than anything. He keeps a picture of them on his night stand.

He just wishes this day would be over already. Yin practically slept all day. He woke up around 12:45 am.

He gets up and stretches , he then goes into the kitchen and makes some hot coco and puts on his and wars favorite movie.

He is sitting on the couch sipping his hot coco and watching the movie. He hears a knock at the door and pauses the movie.

He gets up and walks to the door. He opens it and he freezes in shock. He almost drops his hot coco.

He sees war standing their pale and freezing cold. Yin hugs war and sobs in his arm.

War is just standing there with no emotion on his face. He's pale , he has dirt over him and looks like he's rotting.

Yin takes wars hand and pulls him inside the house.

Yin: w-war , how are you here? Yin says tearing up.

War doesn't say anything but just stand there looking at yin.

Yin takes him by the hand and pulls him toward the bathroom.

Yin: let's get you cleaned up.

They enter the bathroom. Yin helps war in the bathtub. He gently wipes the dirt off of him and pours water on him to wash him off.

After he helps him get a bath they go into the bedroom. Yin still has wars stuff so he gives him his(war) Pajamas to wear.

Him and war sit on the bed. They are facing each other. Yin holds wars hand.

Yin: war , what's the last thing you remember?

War: we wrecked , after that everything went dark for a while untill now. War says in a dry and cold emotionless voice.

Yin: d...d-died a year ago. Yin says as tears roll down his cheeks.

War doesn't show any emotion to wat yin just said to him.

Yin: you should get some rest now , we'll talk about everything in the morning na.

War just nods and lays down. Yin lays next to him.

Yin falls asleep and war just stares at the ceiling still not showing any emotion.

3:00 am.

War gets up out of bed and goes to the kitchen. He keeps staring at a butcher knife. He picks up the knife and starts walking toward the bedroom. He stands in the door way and keeps looking at yin sleeping.

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