Part 23

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~authors note~

Hi peoples im back. Ive hade a very busy month with my health but im doing better now (that was in september), and I had alos decided to take a break from writing for a bit. I have a couple of announcements that i wanna make real quick. First off i wanna thank all of you that have been reading this book, i know how bad it is so i just wanna thank you guys for reading. I know its been tiring and annoying to wait on me to update. Speaking of updates, I have decided that im only gonna update on the weekends (mostly saturdays). Another thing, I never really had a passion for writing and i have always thought of it as a hobby of mine. That being said dont be surprised if i only update once a month if that, with school and all starting back up im gonna be really busy with my schoolwork (yall ya gurl started high school). I have been working really hard trying to finish this book because i have a lot of other book ideas that i wanna do but im gonna finish this one first. Anyways onto the story.

~Wooyoung pov~

The kiss was short but full of love.

Wooyoung: Babe you're blushing.

y/n: Because of you

She said lightly hitting my chest

(bye yall im gonna go die in a hole)

Seonghwa: Can we cut the lovey dovey shit and get out of here?

He said with an annoyed tone. I looked over at San and he didn't 

~San pov~

So many thoughts were running through my head. I couldn't tell if i was happy to see my sister, or mad that her and my best friend have a thing for each other and just kissed in front of me.

Wooyoung: San are you okay

He said with a worried expression on his face.

San: Yeah...

I wasn't sure if i was ready to tell him yet.

Wooyoung: Are you sure

San: Y-

I was interrupted by gun shots and someone's voice on y/n's radio

Yunho: Y/n we have a problem.

Y/n: I can tell

Hyunjin: What did you do?

Yunho: I didn't do anything.

Y/n: Yunho what happened?

Yunho: They know we are here.

Y/n: Hyunjin where are you guys?

Hyunjin: East side.

Y/n: Yunho you guys head to Hyunjin, we will be there in bit.

~y/n pov~

It was a bit awkward after Wooyoung kissed me, and to be honest I was kinda embarrassed. Thankfully Yunho radioed me, so things weren't as awkward.

Y/n:Alright guys we have to head to Hyunjin.

It was a quiet walk to where Hyunjin and the rest of the guys were.

Han: So we just gonna ignore the fact that y/n and Wooyoung just kissed?

Seonghwa: Yeah we are.

He said as i gave Han a death glair.

~Yeosang pov~

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