Chapter 2 - Ras Leela

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Swagtam, welcome back to the story, I am Samriddhi, you already know but it's still important to make announce myself, otherwise you might get frightened right? Anyways, I had good time with my best friend, but after sometime I needed to leave otherwise somebody else would have cursed me to go to hell. *laughs* Not literally but still would have cursed me in head that how long am I going to keep my friend with me. Right now, I am back in home in time to continue the story, or wait let me call it Katha, because it will become one. And that person will love to give me boon right now, especially to arrive on time where I am required, since I arrive late anyways. *Thinks how her father managed to arrive on time*. Anyways, enough talks about boons and curses, so let me continue the story.

All the four wives were waiting for their Nath to arrive. (You already know about Radha, I am going to introduce other three. They are Viraja, Bhu and Shri) Slowly all the Gopas and Gopis began to arrive. But still there was no sign of Lord arriving. They all were thinking were, "where is Shri Krishna? We need to start Raas, but he is not here yet." As they were thinking this, there was a sudden change in the atmosphere. The surrounding lit with fireflies coming out of long grass. There was surpressed excitement in the air. Then they all heard the noise Ghungaroo coming towards them from Madhuban forest. They all look in that direction and feel happy.

Their beloved Kanha was dressed as Govala instead of his usual clothes which gave him the appereance of king. He smiled at all of them. All the four queens walked towards him, no wait, they were actually walking running to see who would reach Kanha first and do his aarti. As usual first to reach Krishna was Radha. Krishna just smiled and laughed in head, seeing their eagerness. After all the 4 Queens finished doing Aarti, Queens quickly ran to the nearest tree which had stone underneath it and kept their puja thalis on the rock. Then quickly took their dandiyas and again walk-ran towards Krishna. They just stood around him, waiting for his command to start the dance.

Krishna looked into each person eyes judging their eagerness for the Raas but his eyes got locked and lost looking in the eyes of Radha which showed the emotions of happiness, impatience, eagerness and love. Radha also got lost looking into the beautiful lotus eyes of her beloved. But instead of usual tinkle, hint of mischiviousness, and love, there was a sense of sadness, regret and longing. This got Radha confused. She had seen these emotions in his eyes when they got separated from each other during Dwavpara yuga. She felt uneasy.

Viraja- (whispering gently to Krishna) Swami, for how long will you look into the eyes of Radha? Everyone is waiting for the Rass to begin.

This broke the eye-lock and Krishna just turned his face in the other direction. Then he slowly turned his face towards the crowd and smiled. He started playing the Bansuri. Everyone started to sway to the music. Slowly, everyone started to the dance which came naturally to them, in a synchronized manner. Slowly Krishna opened his eyes and gestured his trusted aide, Sridama, to start playing the Bansuri which Krishna had given in the same tune which was being played at that time. Sridama was standing was outside the dancing area, but when he saw Krishna's gesture, he quickly starts playing the bansuri. Krishna using his maya creates many similar versions of him. They started dancing with the crowd. Krishna slowly joins the crowd and goes near Radha. He starts dancing with her and slowly brings her to the center of the crowd. Everything begins to merge with the surrounding around them. They start looking into eachothers eyes and get lost. Again Radha get the feeling of sadness, regret and longing in his eyes, which starts worrying her.

Radha thoughts

Why is Krishna looking at me like this? Why does his eyes hold the emotions of sadness, regret and longing which I saw in his eyes, while we were separated during Dwapar Yuga for two times? Are we getting separated again? But why? I don't ever want to be separated from him again. I don't want relive all those painfull memories again. Hey Narayan, please don't separate us again. I don't want to go away from my life, Krishna.

Krishna just smiles listening to her thoughts.

Krishna thoughts

Radha, your worry is correct. But this time your Narayan won't be able to help you out. Even he is helpless against destiny and Karm. We need to be separated again for the greater good of the world. The universe will remember this separation as the one which taught an important lesson of how to live life. Sometimes I wish could control the wheels of destiny and Karm.

The raas leela went on until 2 am in the morning. Actually might have been longer. Why the heck I am caring about this right now. In Golok, time never matters really. Anyways, After the Raas Leela got over everyone went home. The four wives were the last to leave.

They were last since they were asking Krishna whom he will spend the night with. Actually they were arguing amongst themselves. Finally Krishna had to intervene.

Krishna- Ladies, I am not got spend this night with anyone of you. I want to give some time to myself. By this I mean, I want to go for dhyan. I might get to the stage of Samadhi, so please don't disturb.

And with a click of finger, he vanished. The wives went to their palaces.

Radha tried to get some sleep, but she sleep evaded her. She kept on tossing and turning through out the night.

Samriddhi time to talk

Ok that was such long part. The dance was mesmerizing as HELL! I wish could join the raas Leela. But that is off limits to me, since well if join the Raas Leela then pretty much everything will take time to finish. For example, if you are doing cooking, then look at the clock, it might be still 8:00 as the time, it will pretty much stay the same. I hope you are getting the idea. But anyways, I should leave right now, since I am expecting an explosion to happen. I mean my friend, Narad, is going to do some explosion somewhere. Just keep on guessing what he is going?

And question from the story, how was Radha and Krishna going to be separated? And why they needed to be separated? 

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