The Fate of Bloom and Asia

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It was a beautiful morning in Gardenia Vanessa walks up to Bloom sleeping in bed. "Bloom, honey? Time to get up!,"said Vanessa. She leans over to her. "You're gonna be late, Bloom,"She said. Bloom gasps and get up really quickly. Oh,no! School! Yikes! I've gotta get going! I'm going to be late! Mom, why didn't you wake me up?! Why didn't the alarm go off?!,"asked Bloom. *She puts on her shirt, but she realized something* "Wait a minute. There isn't any school, it's summer vacation. Not funny, mom!,"said Bloom. "I thought it was funny,"said Vanessa. *Bloom yawns* "I'm going back to bed,"She said. "Sweetie, why were you up so late last night?,"asked Vanessa. *Vanessa find a book on the floor, picks it up and reads the title* "Hm. Fairies: Myth or Reality? Pretty silly stuff, Bloom,"said Vanessa. "It is not silly, okay?,"said Bloom. "Anyway, now that school is over, you can help me in the shop,"said Vanessa. "Oh, mom!,"said Bloom.

At Mitzi's house Asia was having breakfast in the kitchen. "Good morning Asia," said Mitzi's mom. "Good morning mom,"said Asia. "Where is Mitzi and Macy?,"She asked. "Oh they went for a walk,"said Mitzi's mom. "This early in the morning?,"asked Asia. "You know how Mitzi and Macy are,"said Mitzi's mom. *Asia sigh and keep eating her breakfast* "besides Asia why you reading all night last night?,"asked Mitzi's mom. "Well I couldn't sleep last night,"said Asia. *She read the title* "Fairies and Witches: Myth or Reality? That's pretty stuff Asia,"said Mitzi's mother. "Come on mom it's not silly,"said Asia. "Since it's summer vacation you can help me in the bakery ,"said Mitzi's mom. "Oh, mom!,"said Asia.

Back at Bloom's house Mike was reading the newspaper. "Good morning, sunshine",said Mike. "Dad I don't wanna spend my summer vacation working in the shop. I wish I could go somewhere fun, with my friends,"said Bloom. "When you're older, you can do whenever you want,"said Mike. How is "older"? I'm already 16 dad,"said Bloom. "Only sixteen. You're still my little girl",said Mike. *Flashback to show Bloom as a child*

 *Flashback to show Bloom as a child*

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"Dad, snap out of it!,"said Bloom. *back to reality* "Listen. In a few weeks, we'll all be going to the beach together, like we do every year,"said Mike. "I don't want to go to the same old beach with you and mom, I want something special,"said Bloom. "Something special, huh,"asked Vanessa. "Well for that, you need wheels,"said Mike. "Mom, dad, really?!,"asked Bloom. *She ran outside* "Oh! Huh? What?,"asked Bloom. *She sees a bike* "ugh,"she said. "Nice, huh?,"asked Mike. *Bloom speaks flatly* "Uh, well, yeah. Thanks,"She said. *She sticks out her tongue and walks over to her bike* "See, Vanessa? She's speechless,"said Mike. "I can see that. But, I think she was expecting something else,"said Vanessa. "A ten-speed?,"asked Mike. "Ugh, a car, Mike,"said Vanessa. "Wha - she's still dreaming about being a fairy,"said Mike. "She's sixteen, she's growing up,"said Vanessa. *Bloom is riding her bike down the streets*

*back with Asia* "Mom, me and Sara are going to the park to get some fresh air,"said Asia. "Ok you two be careful,"said Mitzi's mom. "We will,"said Asia. *Asia and Sara run to the park and saw Bloom parks her bike down near a tree* "Okay, Kiko don't go too far,"said Bloom. "Same goes to you Sara,"said Asia. *Bloom sits down eats an apple while Asia walk up to her* "Hi I'm Asia,"She said. "Hello I'm Bloom it's wonderful to meet you,"said Bloom. "Is that your rabbit?,"asked Asia. "Yeah his name is Kiko,"said Bloom. "Cool,"said Asia. "Is that your wolf?,"She asked. "Yeah her name is Sara,"said Asia. "She's beautiful,"said Bloom. *Kiko comes back screaming while riding on Sara. He tugs on Bloom's shoelace and he and Sara howls alarmingly* "What's the matter, Kiko?,"asked Bloom. "What's wrong Sara?,"asked Asia. *Kiko and Sara howls again* "Okay, okay," They said.

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