Chapter 5: Crash & Burn

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"...Of course. Houses can't jump." Seth told the baby on his lap, while I was getting a glass of water from the kitchen. I could see even from here that Roux hated every part of that, so I laughed a little.

"You need to get better Dad Jokes honey." I told my husband, who looked over at me with a clueless look, so I winced, knowing what was coming.

"...You wanna know when a joke really becomes a dad joke?" He asked me, his bearded lips curling into a smile. I turned to face him, still wincing.

"...please don't..." I told him, as his mouth turned to a giant grin. I winced even more, because...this was his absolute favourite one...

"...When it becomes Apparent." He told me, trying not to laugh midway through the joke. As soon as he said it, I just sighed and put my glass down on the bench, hating every second of it, as I put both my elbows on the bench and rubbed my face.

"...her first words are going to be 'Please shut the fuck up daddy'." I told him in a tired tone, still rubbing my face. It was still that Friday night; we had been in the apartment for...20 minutes? And Seth was just in an extremely 'Dad Joke' kind of mind.

As soon as he heard me say that, he burst out laughing, holding the baby to his chest. She smiled up at him with a little laugh, which I had grown to adore in the few months since we've had her.

"If this little baby told me to shut up, I would cry, laugh, or both." He told me with another laugh of his own. I removed my hands from my face and looked over with a smile, to see him playing with Roux a little bit.

Surprisingly though, his phone started to ring on the coffee table beside the couch. He looked over in confusion, before taking a hand off of our daughter and grabbing the vibrating device.

"Huh?...It's Adam." He told me, showing me that it was, in fact, Adam Valkyrie as he was named in Seth's phone. I took a sec to look at the picture, to see it was a selfie of the two of them backstage during a photoshoot, Adam on Seth's back taking the picture, as the two of them just grinned with their mouths wide open, eyes wide, they looked like they were having a lot of fun as friends.

"...well? Are you gonna pick up?" I asked, gesturing to the phone. He made a surprised noise and pulled it back to himself, picking up and putting it on speaker.

"Hey man, how you doing?" My husband asked our friend with slight concern. Adam didn't call often, usually just innocent texts or memes about the two of them, so this was out of the ordinary.

"Hey...uh...I'm...alright..." He said on the other end of the phone in what was clearly a distraught tone. I grabbed my glass and walked over to my husband and daughter, the former of which awkwardly shifted on the couch.

" alright dude? You sound upset." Seth said into the phone, putting it down on his knee as I sat down beside him.

"...Uh...I'm not really sure..." Adam told us, as I listened in to the background of the call. I struggled to make it out, but I could have sworn I could hear him driving.

"...Adam, are you driving right now?" I asked, almost leaning towards the phone. Seth noticed it too after I said it, and I could hear Adam sigh a little bit.

"...yeah, I am..." He said quietly, as I heard a much louder vehicle pass him: Maybe a truck or some sort of muscle car.

"What's going on? Why aren't you with Sasha? Did something happen, man?" Seth asked, as both him and I started to get really concerned about our friend. We heard him hum a little, and I couldn't tell if it was a whimper from the situation, or even a chuckle from Seth's questions, but either way, he kept going.

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