Chapter 11: How It Is

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When I got into my room, I locked my door and just faceplanted onto my bed, screaming and nearly crying into my pillow.

"I'm doing the right thing...I'm doing the right thing..." I tried to tell myself multiple times, more...trying to Convince myself than tell.

I grabbed my head with both hands, hoping I wouldn't bawl my eyes out, before flipping onto my back, staring up at the ceiling with my puffy eyes.

When I did that, all I could think of was what Seth said about Adam. 'This...this is insane...I-I've only ever seen panic attacks this bad in...well, Abuse Victims...'

It rang through my head a million times. I had to close my eyes at the thought. Regardless of what abuse he suffered, if at all, he didn't deserve to go through what I was putting him through.

And the worst part was, I knew it. I knew he didn't deserve it, yet here I was, forcing my way through those feelings of hesitancy to just...hurt him more.

I mean, just look at everything I've done to him. Relentless insults, trying to punch him, kicking him, almost causing multiple panic attacks, ACTUALLY causing a serious panic attack, and even slapping my own best friend to get to him.

And all of it, for what? To make him angry? To make him hate me? Because I'm too scared to be in love?

"I need to...I have to...I...I can't..." I couldn't let my heart be broken again, but in a way, all of this was breaking it anyway, just slower.

I punched the bed beside myself a few times, just wanting to let my anger out somehow. I wanted to scream it out, but I knew someone would hear me, so I didn't.

I sat up and wrapped my hands around my face, crying into my hands, trying to keep my sobs as quiet as I could, so no one would know I was crying.

To my surprise though, there was a knock at the door. I gasped in my surprise and stared forward at it, not sure what to do.

"...G-Go away!" I shouted out, which...sounded a lot sadder than I wanted it to, there was even a voice crack in it.

But that only lead to even more knocking. An almost constant stream of it too. I was surprised, and wasn't even sure what to do at first, before...I gave up.

I groaned loudly, trying to quickly wipe away all the tears and snot on my face before I stood up and started walking towards the door. The knocking didn't stop, until I reached forward and unlocked it.

I pulled it open, and there stood...the exact person I didn't want to be there....


As soon as I saw him there, I tried to slam it closed, but he caught it surprisingly quickly, putting his hand between it and the frame.

"We need to talk." He told me plainly, so I immediately tried to barge it closed. I couldn't say anything because I could feel the tears start to build up again, and the lump in my throat had gotten to big to get words out.

He countered that though by pressing both his hands against the door, trying to push it open against me trying to push it closed.

I remember just begging myself to get the door closed, putting everything I could into pushing on it. Unfortunately, either due to my emotional fragility impacting my physical strength or...him just being stronger than me, he pushed the door open more after a second.

I screamed a little as I tried even harder, which made him groan a little, before he played it smart. He slipped through the crack in the door as quickly as could, almost getting his ankle slammed into the door in the process.

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