Tai Lung

716 19 3

It was morning and Y/n agreed to help Po train... to say the least it wasn't going so well as Po is stuck with his legs spread wide apart on two training horses.

Y/n: I feel like we should have gone through the basic.

Po: Yea...

Shifu: What are you doing here?!

Po looks back over his shoulder to see Shifu and Y/n looked at the Five staring at them

Y/n: Sooo... How you sleep?

Po: Hey! Huh... Good morning, Master! I just thought I'd warm up a little.* tries to lift one leg, but fails*

Shifu: You're stuck.

Po: Stuck?! Whaa? Pfft... stuck... does this look stuck to you * notice his brother glare*... Yeah, I'm stuck.

Shifu: *to Crane* Help him.

Crane: Oh dear.

Crane approaches, gingerly grabs Po's waistband and attempts to pull him up by flapping his wings.

Po: Maybe on three. One. Two-

Crane pulls him up and Po flops onto his back.

Y/n: You alright?

Po: *Gets to his feet.* Yeah I'm alright, thank you.

Crane: Don't mention it.

Po: No really, I appreci—

Crane: Ever.

Po falls silent as Crane returns to stand by the group with Y/n eyes darkened that goes notices by Tigress

Shifu: You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? It takes years to develop one's flexibility... 

Shifu flings two boards into the air, and Tigress steps forwards

Shifu: and years longer to apply it in combat.

Shifu snaps his fingers. Instantly, Tigress leaps up and executes a perfect split kick. Po is awestruck and Y/n looked annoyed. Tigress lands, glares at Po and Y/n and returns to Shifu's side. The broken chunks of board land all around Po, a large one knocking him on the head. Po picks up the piece of splintered board and hides it behind his back

Shifu: Put that down! The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones.

Po: Yeah, excellent! *chucks away the chunk*

Shifu: Let's get started.

Shifu snaps his fingers. The Furious Five gather in a line in the courtyard and Viper and Po face off.

Viper: Are you ready?

Po: I was born ready—

Kung Fu Panda ( Male reader insert) disconnect-Where stories live. Discover now