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Nico's POV:

"Get ready, little hero. I promise you the worst while you're here."

What does he mean? If he's not going to kill me, what else is there he can possibly- no wait, there's torture. But if that happens, I can always shadow travel out, or summon a hellhound to eat the villain, or something. Wait. If I can do that later, can't I just teleport myself out of here right now? Excited by the thought, I close my eyes and began to picture where I'm going. "That's not going to work." I open my eyes and glare at Dabi, who had been positioned by me to make sure I don't escape after Shigaraki and Toga left. 

"Shut up," I snap. "You're not the one with the shadow quirk." He looks at me, amused, but does not move from his current position: slouched against the wall, with his phone occasionally out to check the news, or any messages from his fellow villains. He continues on talking: "Quirks don't work here. Except for Shigaraki's, of course. And Kurogiri." He says the last name smoothly, as though he has no doubt I know the person he is referring to. I narrow my eyes at him. He does not mention his quirk works here. Perhaps he is considered a low level villain? Not strong enough, or just trying to provoke me into doing something stupid

I lean into the back of the hard, wooden chair I am bound to, and close my eyes, hoping sleep can come. I hear music, all of a sudden. I lift my head up and glare at the raven-haired male. He is looking at his phone innocently as it plays a song. He pretends he doesn't notice my gaze on him, but I can tell he has a smug smirk set on his face. This bitch, I think, feeling a flash of annoying along with an urge to strangle him to death.

Groaning, I hit the back of my head hard against the chair and successfully knocked myself out.


I wake to voices arguing. I don't open my eyes, and try to convince any people looking at me I am sleeping, because yes, drama is good. "It's too risky, Shigaraki!" There's Dabi's voice. A snort. "Risky? Everything we do is risky, Dabi. We could get caught any moment, and sentenced to life in prison, or execution for harming people. Hell, we can't even go to a market to buy things without so much as a disguise," a voice I'm assuming is Shigaraki's snaps back. Dabi subsides, muttering curses. 

A few moments of silence that tempt me to open my eyes pass by. I don't. Open my eyes yet, I mean. I hear Shigaraki snort. "Besides. What do we care about this useless hero boy that won't cooperate?" I have a feeling they're talking about me. Dabi says something, but its too quiet to be heard over my fake faint snores. Dabi clears his throat and snaps, "Fine. Do what you wish, but if something goes wrong, I'll not be the one who helps you." Shigaraki scoffs, and at that moment is when I choose to fake a yawn and pretend to have just waken up from a sleep. Dabi looks like he is on the verge of stabbing Shigaraki, while Shigaraki stares back at him, eyes cold. Dabi relaxes from his tense position and tries to arrange his face and body into making him look like he's dying from boredom a thousand times over.

Shigaraki's face immediately breaks into a grin, like we're old friends reunited after three years of separation, or something, but more intense. "You're finally awake. I trust you had a nice sleep?" His act is making me sick. "Shut up. Get to the point already," I say, turning my head so I'm staring pointedly at the gray, blood splattered walls. Silence. Then my head is forced back so harshly that my neck is sore. All trace of Shigaraki's attempt at fake friendliness is gone now, replaced with hard anger. He lets go of my chin, and I remain there, breathing hard and glaring at the blue-haired male. 

"You want to know what we want to do with you, huh?" I don't even acknowledge his question with a slight nod. He continues as if I had replied with a 'yes'. "We'll tell you soon enough."


Percy's POV:

My shoulder is still throbbing from being smashed against the wall during the explosion. The villains are gone now, and so is Nico. I've been unconscious under an ash-covered wooden lunch table that barely weighs more than an orange, so I'd missed the whole episode of Nico getting abducted by villains. Annabeth filled me in later, as soon as I woke up in a white hospital bed, as hers was right next to mine. I had expected the conversation to be like: 

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