annoying damn cat, need advice

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Okay followers. my family is allergic to cats and this little white cat with black spots keeps coming into our yard. now I need something that won't harm the cat nor will harm my dog. so can you guys give me ideas that I can use to keep this cat out of the yard because it's really pissing me off right now. It belongs on the 105th and I live on 106st, but it keeps coming into my yard and I'm getting really fed up with this cat like I spray water in the air and it falls on the cat and I tell it to go away it does not listen. I need some advice and I don't hate animals nor cats but I have 5 dogs and if I let them out with the cat in the yard. It would most likely be killed. I just want to keep the cat out of my yard. My family is really fed up as well. KEEP YOUR CATS IN YOUR YARD AND ANY OTHER ANIMALS. PLEASE AND THANK YOU.

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