The Inception

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_The Nexus Of Existence_

_A few moments after the Big Bang_

His consciousness stirred as he began perceiving his surroundings. He was formless but he could perceive that he was surrounded by a churning mix of plasma and an amalgamation of mystical energies.
He was in a quandary as he had just come into existence a few moments ago. He then felt something stir within him. A moment later he perceived a voice speaking to him.
< My Lord, I sense that you have awakened >
/ I have indeed awakened. Might I inquire as to who you are? /
< I am what remains of the will of your predecessor My Lord. The last remnants of the will of The Progenitor. My sole purpose is to assist in any and all endeavors of the successor of The Primordial One > [A/N: Not the same Primordial One of Genshin Lore.]
/ Successor? I'm afraid I don't understand /
The remnant began explaining what had happened before he awakened.
Apparently, The Progenitor, or rather The Primordial One was the only being who had existed before Creation itself. He had been the only thing to exist in the Infinite Void for countless eons.
This changed when with his Authority he had brought Space and Time into existence and with a single thought had split it into countless Verses of Existence. He then wanted to create Life to inhabit these Verses.
But while he had been able to successfully lay down the Fundamental Rules of Existence and create the Omniverse, all his attempts to create Life had been met with utter failure.
After innumerable attempts, all of which were met with the same fate, he had found the cause for the lack of success.
He had been missing the one factor that was Vital for Life to exist. The one factor which made beings truly Alive. A factor only he possessed. A Soul.
In all his unfathomably long existence he had only known one Soul to exist. He knew with unequivocal certainty that he was the only Soul in existence.
He was faced with a conundrum. He needed Soul to create Life but there was no other soul other than his own.
After pondering over the dilemma for a few eons, he had made a decision.
He modified the Fundamental Rules of Existence so that the Verses may rebuild themselves from scratch after he actualized his plans and function autonomously and indefinitely.
After he was done with the preparations, he went through with his plan.
By the power of all his Authorities and by the full might of his Primordial Energy, he struck his soul hoping to splinter it into innumerable pieces.
The impact released a vast array of chaotic energies into all the Verses.
The impact had obliterated his consciousness and splintered his soul but only an infinitesimal small chunk of it was separated.
This small chunk was immediately ripped apart by the residual chaotic energies into infinite pieces. These pieces were then thrust into the Verses along with the energies.
The Primordial Soul had used its direct connection to the Voidal plane to channel the Primordial Energy to repair and evolve itself making it and its newly forming consciousness immune to any and all forms of manipulation.
< You, My Lord are the new consciousness developed by the Primordial Soul. Every Authority and Power previously wielded by him are now yours to command. >
He felt an influx of Knowledge begin entering his mind.
< This is the basic knowledge of all the Authorities and Powers that you command. Please assimilate all this to gain a basic grasp of them. >
Feeling it a prudent course of action, he got to work digesting the continuous influx of Knowledge.

_The Nexus Of Existence_

_13 billion years after the Big Bang_

The influx had stopped a few moments ago and he will be done assimilating the information in a few moments.
He pushed the assimilation to the back of his mind and began thinking of his next course of action.
When he had heard about his predecessor's Life from the Remnant, he had been curious about the Life that the Progenitor had sacrificed himself for.
This curiousness, over the long period of time when he had devoted himself to assimilating the Knowledge, had lingered and evolved into a burning desire to experience Life in the Verses.
He was not sure if this course of action would hinder his endeavor to master his Powers and Authorities.
His pondering was brought to a halt when he heard the Remnant's voice.
< It would not hinder your goals, My Lord. In fact, it would catalyze the process as it would help you experience how your powers work firsthand while also allowing you to fulfill your desire to explore Life in all Verses >
Seeing the merit of this course of action, he decided that he was going to traverse the Verses and experience Life for himself.
Once he was done assimilating the Knowledge a moment later, he began making preparations for his journey.
When he had thought of naming himself, a name had appeared on his mind that had felt right. He was Izarus, The Primordial God Of Existence, Authorities, Powers, and Souls.
The Infinite Void was a plane of its own existing outside the Verses. It was the native plane of The Progenitor and it is currently the personal plane of Izarus.
The Void was exempt from the Fundamental Rules of Existence and as such was outside Space and time. Izarus created a pocket of space in the Void to function as his storage for material possessions. An Inventory to be precise.
Since the Void was outside Space, this pocket of space existed as a bubble in the Void. [A/N: Like Oil in Water.]
And since it was outside the grasp of time, this pocket was in a state of perpetual temporal stasis.
A few more preparations later Izarus was ready for his journey.
< Loud Izarus, might I make a suggestion? >
/ Please do /
< My Lord, I think that it's prudent that you focus on mastering one major and one minor Authority per world so that you can focus on other endeavors such as living and experiencing the life that The Primordial One sacrificed himself for >
/ Yes, you are indeed right. So which Authorities do you think are the optimal ones to master first? /
< I suggest that you focus on the Authority over Ether as your major Authority since it pertains to the manipulation of Aether and Nether Authorities and is the fundamental Authority that governs all life in the Omniverse.
As for your minor Authority, I think focusing on the Authority over Entropy would be the most prudent course of action. While the Omniverse is eternal in itself, the multiverses and the universes within them are on a constant path toward entropy since their formation. Once they reach the peak of entropy, they cease to exist and are replaced by new verses.
So mastering the Authority that governs this phenomenon would be a wise course of action. >
As the Remnant fell silent, Izarus began to contemplate his words. Once he was satisfied, he gave a mental affirmation to the Remnant.
< Since you have decided on the Authorities, the only matter left to do is to choose the verse to travel. During the time you spent assimilating I sensed your growing curiosity over life and foresaw that you might wish to travel to these verses.
So I sent a few of your passive thought processes to these verses to make an identity for themselves so that you could integrate yourself seamlessly into these verses when you decide to enter them. So all that's left is for you to choose the verse that you wish to travel to. >
Gaining a mental affirmation, Izarus began sifting through the verses before stopping on a particular verse that had piqued his interest.
/ I'll be traveling to this verse first /
As he made his decision, he felt himself drifting out of consciousness as the Remnant began the process of transferring him to the body previously inhabited by the Passive thought and integrating their memories, and making them his own.
Thus Izarus began his journey across the Verse of Teyvat.

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