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Soap loaded her sniper. "Another night another target," she whispered to herself. Thats all it was to her, she had slowly become oblivious to the lives and conciousness of her victims. As far as she knew they were filth infecting the sanctity of this earth.

She glaced at her watch, 11:58. Any minute now, then she can go on with her night.

Soap looked down on the building below her. The doors swung open to reveal the billionaire she was hired to assassinate. A truly horrible person who's death was inevitable, though she was the one to finally get it over with.

She carefully aims her shot and fires. The bullet flies straight through the targets head. He falls to the ground, blood spilling out of his head. It was a gruesome death really. Fortunately it still failed to affect her.

Soap used the newly risen commotion to make her escape. Running back into the forest from whence she came.

Soon enough she ended up back at her home. It wasn't anything fancy, she couldn't risk suspicion.

She quickly puts away her weapon and changes into a more casual outfit.

This was her daily routine. While it did make her seem like a psychopath, she could honestly care far less. Its what she'd done for years, and she had zero interest in changing it.

(Ik this chapter is short its just the intro chapter)

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