An invitation?

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That morning, soap woke up to something truly unexpected. An invite to join a hit reality show called inanimate insanity. She had heard the name once or twice, but hadn't known much about it.

Still, Soap was intrigued. She couldn't help but wonder how the letter made its way to her. She lived in an isolated part of the forest and had never had any visitors.

Soaps question was swiftly answered when she turned to the back of the letter. In swirling calligraphy, the words

"Dear S,

It has come to my attention that you are the famed hitman all over the news. Don't worry, i have no interest in reporting you to the authorities, i am actually sending you this note to hire you. If its not too much to assume you're familiar with inanimate insanity, i would like to inform you they are coming out with a second season. You are going to join the show, and have the host killed by the end of the season

Warm regards

were written onto the back. Along with it, inside the envelope there was a payment of fifty thousand dollars cash. "Paying up front" Soap scoffed "he must put alot of faith into me. I guess that just means i cant dissapoint him, can i,"
Soap stuffed the letter into her dress pocket, she had to prepare. “I can't kill him out in the open, that would be too risky. That means most melee weapons are an automatic no. It shouldn’t kill anyone else, so I should probably stay away from fire. My plan is to do this at night, so not anything too loud,”

Then she had an epiphany, “I should use poison! It should take some time to kill him, cyanide? No, that would be too obvious. Arsenic on the other hand has no smell or taste, completely undetectable,” she ran to her cupboards, digging through the mass of glass jars. She pulled out a jar labeled H3AsO4.

This should do it! She thought to herself as she slid it into her bag. "Now let's see... What should I wear" she looked through her closet in search for something inconspicuous. She decided on a dress that resembles a housekeeper uniform. It was then an idea struck her. She would just put on a neat freak persona. A total cleaning obsessed germaphobe. She already did her own kind of "cleaning" so it wasn't really a lie.

Now the final step, actually getting in to the show. "Well, it's now or never"

                    (After arriving)
Mephone pov:

While making preparations for season two I hear a know at the door. "That's odd, I thought we already had all our contestants" when I open the door im met with a young lady with a pink dress and hair. She looks up at me and states

"I would like to join your show"

(A/n: sorry it took so long I kinda forgot I had wattpad)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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